Possession of the Alpha (Closer)

Start from the beginning

I snicker and put my hands on my hips "yeah.....still you" I say nodding. I laugh then crawl into the bed,leaning over to the bedside table I grab my phone and set an alarm for 6:00 I know it's early but I needed to have a shower.

"Hmm yeah a shower sounds good" josh purrs in my ear and slides his arm around my waist. I tense,oh crap it's kicked in. I turn around to face him and sighed "wait why can't I hear your thoughts?" I ask squinting my eyes. He pouts then strokes my face "Well that would be because you haven't marked me yet,so until then I can hear your thoughts but you can't hear mine" he tries to hold back a smile but fails miserably causing me to pout as well. But this was my stroppy pout,I was not happy about me not hearing him. I sit up suddenly "well can I mark you then?" I say tilting my head and shrugging as if it was an obvious question. He bites his lips and fakes being all shy,he crawls up and hugs his knees. "Oh I don't know,I don't think I'm ready for that!" I growl at him making him burst out I laughter. His expression softened and the sweet josh came out,sat up and cupped my cheek in his palm "Tomorrow baby, I promise tomorrow you can mark me" I smile and lean in and peck him gently. We both lay down and I decide to slide next to him,he wraps his arm around me and pulls me in to his chest. This felt so right and I fitted into him perfectly. We both felt so comfortable with each other........but if he thinks he's showering with me tomorrow he's very much mistaken!

I feel his chest bounce a little as he snickers and I sigh,in the morning I am going to perfect the mind block. He's had his fun! My eye lids become heavy and they slowly flutter shut.


Hazels P.O.V




I wriggle out of Josh's arms and grab my phone to switch off the noise. I had slept so well last night,being so close to josh was heavenly. I shivered a little as I realised how cold I was with out his arms round me,I didn't notice josh was awake until he sat up and pout his hand on my shoulder.

"Your cold Hazel" he says,pulling me into his warm chest and rubbing my arms to warm me up.I sigh as the tingles shoot over my skin,making me relax into him. My eyes shoot open suddenly as I feel something hard pressing against my hip,I look down and sure enough it was "Morning". Josh's face goes a tinge of pink and he grabs the quilt to cover it,I pull away for him and start laughing very loudly. I hold my stomach and I feel myself falling backwards,by the time I realise I'm near the edge I fall off the bed and land heavily "umpth" my lips involuntarily release that sound,making josh run round the bed quickly to check on me.

"Baby are you okay?" He bends down franticly and pulls me up,I look down to see that his "Friend" had dissapeared. I nod,continuing to snicker a bit causing him to growl at me. I sigh and shake my head at him,jeez his pride bruises easily!

"I heard that!" He calls as he walks to his closet to grab some clothes,I cringe then walk to the bathroom to have a shower. I grab clean clothes and a towel then lock the door behind me, stripping off my pyjamas and stepping into the shower room. The bathroom was huge,it had the obvious toilet,then a door leading to a shower room and a jacuzzi with jets! Oh I could have some fun in here! I turn the knob on the shower and the warm water begins to spray onto my tensed muscles. I let out a small "mmm" as I can feel myself relaxing every second I'm beneath the spray. I tilt my head back and let the water soak my hair and neck,I begin washing it and with 10 minutes I'm out and grabbing my towel.

I rub my self down with it and then put on my chosen outfit,I'd gone simple today with just jeans and a hollister white cami. I brushed my hair and let it hang loose so it would dry,grabbing my wet stuff I drop it in the basket as unlock the door.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now