First day

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Based on season 3

It was your first day in Beacon Hills and u were driving in your white bug you where wherein a white long sleeved colerd shirt with a middle thigh leathery blue skirt with blue flats and your long red hair flat Irene so it was extra long so u pulled up and got out with our with your floral owl bag with 4note books and 5 folders 10pens and 17 pencils and your nails were red so as u walked in your seen a really pretty black haired girl and u walked to her and said "Hi I am Bae and I'm new here can u please show me were to get my schedule?

Sorry it was short and weird but I promise I will make them Longer and betterrrre and Bae is gonna be a human that they just let in the pack and no void stiles is gunna be in here and no milia so I hope u like this fanfic   

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