"Shut up."

"What did I do this time?"

I clenched my jaw as I looked at him, "I don't need your whole 'pity' thing. What happened in there..." I gestured to the burning Sith ship. "It will never happen again."

He nodded, "Well yeah, Goreum can't die again, silly."

"Are you stupid?" I dead-paned

He rolled his eyes, and ran a hand through his bead black hair.

"I'm trying to lighten the mood, Cora."

"The dark side doesn't 'lighten the mood'. It's the whole point of being on the dark side." I muttered as I tore my gaze from the destroyed ship.

My emotions were unstable, I was a wound that had opened up, my cuts in danger of being infected.

Alien emotions were the infection.

All I needed to do was stay preserved until my wound healed, and sealed up for good...

After that I would make sure, that no one re-opens those wounds.

My life would be a permanent Band-Aid, and I would never bleed again.

I was broken from my thoughts, by another idiotic comment from Kylo.

"What's your favourite number?"

I stared at him. Is there something wrong with him?

Like seriously...what is wrong with this man?

"What?" I growled.

He sighed, acting like my perfectly normal response to his question...was tiring him.

"We never finished our game. The question game? We have some ways until we arrive at the ship, I just want to continue where we left off."

"I don't have one." I muttered as I looked back out the window.


"A lucky number. I don't have one." I said impatiently.

"Mines six-hundred-and-sixty six."

Oh yeah he's real funny.

"I never asked." I snapped back.

My eyes settled on the ant of a ship now, there could be no flames in space, and the explosion had been silent.

It was demolished.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I seethed at him.

"That's not how the game works, Cora. You have to ask me another question to keep the game going."

"I don't like the game."

He shrugged, "Too bad, I do."

I huffed, "Okay, I have my question. Why are you so fucking annoying?"

He looked at me, not amused.

"Fine.." I growled, "Why do you wear the mask?"

He seemed stable with my question, "Intimidation." He said simply.

I nodded, and tilted my chin for him, to know it was his turn.

"Why do you like the stars so much? I see you looking at them all the time."

I bit on my lower lip, "Goreum had never let me see them. Everywhere I went there were no windows, and if there were, then he'd cover them. He knew the stars brought me contentment, so he never let me see them."

I felt the internal cuts slowly open with this conversation.

"I'm tired, Kylo." I muttered as I turned away from him, hinting that the game was over.


"I'm tired, Kylo " she said as she turned her head.

I didn't like being annoying, but if irritating is what I had to be, for her to talk to me...then it's exactly what I plan on doing.

A person as cold as her, could only show her emotions by being cold.

I understood that.

But her strength surprises me with everything that she does, the way she handled the vision. The way she was able to compose herself, and continue the mission she was on.

But I also knew the truth: I know from the nights of cold. I know that the past can do some harm, but I also know that it can do good.

She had never felt emotions, other than pain, and anger.

But if she had felt...whatever that was, that sadness. Then I think it's a gateway, a way for her to feel other emotions, ones that she thought might be her weakness, could be her champions.


Just know that with every boring chapter, there is a kick-ass chapter to come (:

The New Age: Kylo Ren Star WarsWhere stories live. Discover now