2 days later-

My parents are finally back & I couldn't be happier. For the pass 2 days I've been feeling like I'm living with a stranger. With a COMPLETE stranger. We havne't exchanged not one word, not one look, nothing. But you know what? That just makes it easier for me to stop thinking about it, it just makes it easier for the small feelings that I've developed to fade. It didn't take long before one of my parents questioned one of us about the tension. I honestly didn't' know it was that obvious.

As my mom & I are folding laundry she looks at me & asks.

"Did you & Justin get into a fight or something while we we're gone?"

As much as I wanted to ignore the question I couldn't. Not taking my eyes off the pile of clothes that was left to fold I answered as normally as I could.

"Ehh, I wouldn't call it a fight but we did get into a minor confrontation. Nothing big at all just a disagreement about something so stupid!"

"Are you sure it was small?" She looked at me with worry in her eyes.

I looked at her & rolled my eyes. "Mom yes! I'm positive that it was nothing serious." I went back to folding hoping that she will drop it already.

"I hope you guys fix what ever it is that went on before he leaves."

I stopped what I was doing. My heart dropped. I looked straight at my mother.

"Leaving where?" I immediately started folding again not wanting to make anything obvious with my face expression.

"Your father didn't' tell you?" "He's moving back with his mother, he says that's where he feels most comfortable!" "We can't do anything but respect his decision. It makes me kind of sad that he's basically saying he feels uncomfortable here when we've done all we could to make him feel at home." She said in a voice of disappointment.

The room got completely silent. 

I looked over at mom & her eyes we're watering.

I feel a huge knot forming in my throat. A million thoughts are running through my mind. I'm the reason he wants to leave. I made him feel uncomfortable. I'm the reason why he wants to leave. I can now feel my eyes slowly watering to. I don't want my mom to see me so I pull out my phone & act as if I'm calling someone.

I rush to my room, turn off the light, in throw my self into my bed. I feel empty, I feel bad, I feel confused, but most of all angry. I'm not worried about the fact that I won't be seeing him walking around the house top less anymore. I'm worried about the fact that I may never see him again, he knows he's not in the conditions to be going back over there. It wont be safe.

God forbid but what if that guy does something to him. I sat up remembering that he was on the phone with Jenna the other day. I storm out of my room & storm into his. With out knocking, with out a warning, with no hesitation what so ever.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" I shut the door behind me.

He got up from his computer & walked over to me with a confused look on his face, & of course top less. Nothing new. I stood there with my arms crossed waiting for him to answer.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why are you leaving?"

He walked over to his bed & sat down. "Because I feel like it-

"Oh because you feel like it?" I asked sarcastically. "Because you feel like it Justin? Or because Jenna wants you to? Because you want to risk your life? Because-

"You want to know why I'm leaving Rose?" He ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration, stood up from the bed & got really close to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes Justin I do!"

"Is not for Jenna, is not to have problems, I miss my mom but is not because of that. Is not because I feel uncomfortable because I don't." He paused.

"Then why is it?"

He sighed as he quietly stood there looking at me.

"You know what don't even tell me why. Just leave I don't even care to be quiet honest." I turn around to leave. As I'm turning the knob he grabs me by the arm & gently pulls me close to him. I mean really close. So close I can feel his heart beat & he can feel mine. I push him off of me, looking confused & pissed at the same time.

"I'm leaving because I'm constantly thinking about you. Because I've grown to have feelings for you. Because I'm going crazy, I'm driving my self insane just thinking about making you mine in every single way possible." He said softly, almost in a whisper. My eyes water. I'm in disbelief. All a long he's been feeling the same way I do. I pull my self closer to him. He takes a step back with his hand still holding mine. "I'm leaving because I know you feel the same way about me & I know we can't be!"

I took his other hand, looked him in his eyes. A tear falling down my eyes & my heart beating faster than a race car. At this point I'm in shock. Even though what he just said should make me cry tears of joy, I'm crying tears of sadness. I'm crying because we'll never ever be accepted & our parents would be torn. But I'm not gonna let him leave. Theres no way in hell.


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