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It might serve to say right now that throughout these last few years I have developed a case of mild depression.

As my mom was more worried about Cleo than she was about me, and my dad working more and more to try and shut everything out, nobody had time for me.

At the beginning my friends would let me talk and rant to them about how I felt that nobody was with me and I was alone in the world.

Eventually they go tired of listening to me and told me that it would be all over soon. They just started to brush me off. They would leave me for their extra curricular activities and other more important things, and leave me all alone with my music and Doctor Who reruns.

My heart has become very shielded throughout all of these months of sitting alone at home.

I closed off telling my parents and friends anything, or trying to get them to notice me.

I would respond with ¨I'm fine" or "I'm okay" or even sometimes "I'm just really tired."

Even after a few weeks of Hanging out with Lana and the others I was still scared of letting them know to much about me.

I kept myself closed off from them.

I almost didn't want to get to attached to them, because I felt that they would leave me as everyone else had seemed to do.

They had noticed me and I was too scared to go unnoticed again.


"Casta come out and play with me!" i hear a voice shouting.

I followed the noise out to our backyard. It was Cleo wandering into the woods waving at me to follow her.

I follow her into the woods behind our house. I can see her a little ways ahead of me. I walk faster to catch up with her.

I blink and she's gone.

"CLEO! CLEO WHERE ARE YOU?" I start to scream.

All of the sudden the trees and the sun disappear, and I am surrounded by darkness.

I'm alone.


I fall to the ground sobbing.

"There is no one with you now."

I wake up with a gasp.

I blink a few times and then sit up and yawn.

I look at my clock.


I know I won't be able to get back to sleep, so I hop in the shower before school.

As I look in the mirror. I have small dark circles under my eyes that I am able to cover up with a bit of foundation.

I haven't been sleeping too well.

My mom and dad have already left for work by the time I walk down to get some breakfast.

I eat an apple and yogurt before hopping in my car and driving off to school.


The entire morning was tiring. I couldn't keep my eyes open in any of my classes. 

Today was just a bad day.

I didn't eat lunch with any of the others and instead went to the library.

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