Repeating his motion, from left to right it was hard for me to focus, even with just the backs of his hands he was able to make me feel this way, this numb and unlike myself. Softly taking his hand, in mine I stopped him, softly I whispered "Go to sleep."

His reply very drowsy and childish, "But, I am asleep." Smiling softly I brushed his hair out of the way, 'he must think this is a dream' I thought, smiling, I stood up to stand by the rail where I was before. "Sing, again." Turning in surprise I smiled as I saw him get more comfortable. "Yes, My Lord." He smiled at my title for him, and waited for me to sing as requested.

O môr henion i dhû:
Ely siriar, êl síla
Ai! Aníron Undómiel
Tiro! Êl eria e môr
I 'lîr en êl luitha 'úren
Ai! Aníron...

{From darkness I understand the night:
dreams flow, a star shines
Ah! I desire Evenstar
Look! A star rises out of the darkness
The song of the star enchants my heart
Ah! I desire...}

Soon after I was done he was in a deep slumber, and I turned back to watch the kingdom as its King and Prince slept in blissful peace.


The sunset was breath taking but the sunrise even more so, the colors pecking through, reminded me of the view I used to have growing up in Gondolin, and how I would watch it with my mother and father, because they loved it as much as I did, and no matter how many we saw it would still be just as beautiful as the last, and it tore at my heart and soul that I will never see it with them again.

"Why do you cry? Lady Cólwen." Looking down at the little prince who seemed to get past me and said with a painful smile. "Because I love the sunrise it is beautiful here, and it reminded me of my Adar, and Nanath." He nodded and pulled on my hands to get me to pick him up.

Once in my arms he leaned his head against my neck and silently watched the rest of the rising with me. Now almost an hour past dawn I was going to ask the prince what he wanted to do but he had fallen back to sleep. Quietly I re-entered his room and put him back in his small warm bed.

Once tucked in I left the door slightly open, and moved to wake the King, but was stopped by a passing guard, "milady, please let the King sleep he has not had a proper nights rest since the Prince was born." I nodded and he quietly walked off and left me alone with the sleeping King. Sitting next to the king's head I twirled little strands of his hair to pass the time.

Murmuring in his sleep, his hand shot out though it was gentle it was firm. Finally opening his ice blue eyes he turned to look at me, "you would dare, touch your king so freely while sleeping." He made it sound treating but I smiled slightly, before leaning into his ear, "only because he did so first, my lord."

Letting go of my hand I sat up and stood, moving into a sitting position and swinging his legs over the side his pulled off my cloak. Standing next to me he handed it back. "Thank you, my lord." He nodded and moved to leave. "King Thranduil, does your son have any lessons to attend today?" "Ah, yes thank you for reminding me, come I will give you his schedule." Following the king he led me to his study.

Once he gave it to me he told me what I could have Legolas do today and what would have to wait for the next day. Bowing on my way out I was closing the door when he called me back, standing half in I asked, "yes, my lord?" he looked like he was going to say something but forgot what it was, walking back over to him, figured now would be the best time to give it. Reaching into my shirt I pulled out my necklace I had since I was little I held it out to him. I also wore a matching set of earrings but they were hidden by my hair.

"Here, I give this to you, as a way of saying that I will be whatever you may need, a protector, a friend, a sister, and a lover, anything

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Here, I give this to you, as a way of saying that I will be whatever you may need, a protector, a friend, a sister, and a lover, anything..." I said honestly placing my necklace in his hand, and closing his fingers around the jewel. Bowing again I left and went to find the young prince.


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