23. [Comeback Season]

Começar do início

"Aight" He closed my door once I was in the car.

Mel was staying at Aug house to and since Lauryn was back home I decided I would go stay the night too. I'd just leave from his house to go see Ally in the hospital tomorrow.

"Hurry" I shivered as the wind blew tryna open up my door. "Don't make one sound, just go in calmly" I felt steel at the back off my neck and seen another person standing on the side of me.

"I want every bill you got in the purse, the phone, the watch and that ring" The robber listed as we walked into my house, which looked like they'd been in here already because it was ransacked.

I took off my watch, opened my purse handing him the bills I had in my wallet, but the ring I didn't wanna give up. It was on my right hand and it was my Christmas gift from August. "The ring bitch" I slid it off my finger as tears slid down my face.

"Now I want you to strip, for me" He laughed "What" I cried "Strip bitch, the dress take it off" He yelled "Man nah we got everything we could have want let's go" The other one pushed him toward the door.

"Sorry sweet heart you good, we owe you one" He continuously pushed his friend toward the door. I searched for my keys, seeing that they were still in the door. I grabbed them running down out the door down the stairs to my car.

Joie house was to far, August how was even further, I just wanted to feel safe so I pulled up to Ky and Knuck house. I know they were probably sleep but I rang the doorbell repeatedly until it swung open. "Emerson, what's wrong" Knuck snatched me in the door.

"I was just robbed, they took my phone, my watch, my ring, my money" I cried out "What, man hold on sis" He ran upstairs I just headed to the living room "Boo what happen" Ky came in

"They robbed me, it's like they waited for me after they robbed my apartment" I sobbed "Knuck calling Yung right now sweetie, I'm so sorry" She rubbed my back as I cried.

Sitting there the words I'm sorry sweet heart kept replaying over and over in my head. You couldn't make me feel any different then I was feeling right now about them words.

"He on the way now" Knuck now had on shoes and a hoodie. I just sat there thinking about those words.


"Damn I knew I shoulda went with chu" Mel came in the door first. "Fuck man, you coming ta stay back with me. Not tryna hear shit about how you don't wanna." He pulled me up into a hug.

"We going to get your shit right now, let's go" Aug ordered.

Ky made Knuck go convincing him her and Ky'lee would be okay. So It was just little ol me and the guys. Big T stayed in the car with me while Mel, Trav, Knuck, Sneak, and August got all my things putting them in the trunks of our cars.

"You good, Em" T looked down at me "Yeah, I was just a little scared. A lot of shit has happen to me" I leaned back on the car. "Yung beat himself up all the way here" He told me

"I'm sure, he tries to take responsibility for everything bad that had happen to me since he's known me. He's always like how I let this happen to you" I mocked August bringing a small smile to my face. "Aight anything you missing we'll come back and get in the morning" Aug stepped up handed Big T the key to his car.

"Come on" Aug opened the door for me before he went to get in he drivers seat of my car. "You good Emmy" He kissed the back of my hand "Yeah Aug, they took my ring" I dropped my head

"Pick that big ass head up girl. Ion care about that shit we gone get you a new one." He laughed as we pulled up to a red light "I'm just glad you still hea': He looked ova at me "Me too August" I looked at him before looking ahead, I had to figure out a right time to tell him what I was thinking, I don't know when that would ever be.


Next Afternoon

I fixed my sun glasses on top of my head before heading down the hall to Aug room. "Are you ready" I asked Aug. "Yeah I'm ready" He came out the room as we headed downstairs. "We be back, you nigga don't fuck my shit up" Aug ranted and they looked at him like gone some where.

"So when Lauryn coming back" I looked out the window at the trees as the road winded. "Probably next week, hell if I care she got a nigga out hea' dry" Aug smacked his lips, I couldn't help but laugh at him

"Poor baby, we need to get you some Lubriderm or maybe some Johnson & Johnson baby oil the thick kind" I couldn't stop laughing "Aight you think shit a joke, sleep by ya self tonight" I side eyed me "I'm playing, I'm sorry" I stopped laughing.

Last night all I did was toss and turn, I had nightmares all night about what happen to me back in N.O then it would skip to what happen back in Houston. The only way I was able to sleep was when August came and go in bed with me. He held me, and I slept peacefully.

"I need to get to the room of Allison Wade," I told the receptionist "Room H566" She handed me two passes. I handed off one to August. "Do I need a mask, you know a nigga get sick in a heart beat" August covered his nose.

"Whatever you want" I laughed grabbing one from a door we walked pass. "I'm ready" He stated right as the elevator dinged "Come on fool" I pulled him on the elevator. On The way to the part of the hospital Ally was in we passed the baby nursery. The big glass window showed off all the new born babies, and they were adorable.

"Look what the cat dragged in" Greg said making Ally and Liv turn toward the door. "Hey boo" I walked to the bed hugging her "No get back I don't wanna get you sick" She shook her head. "Hey August" Ally waved at him "Wazzam Ally, I'm gone stay ova hea' I can't get sick" Aug was so extra standing under the TV.

"How you feel" I rubbed her hand "Like shit, and they not letting me out no time soon" She frowned. "Aww, don't worry about it I got you a replacement on the register" I teased

"Please, I can't be replaced but they told me you hired a new girl and guy because we got two extra cash registers this time around" Ally laughed "Damn yall talk so much" I eyed Liv and Greg.

"How did last night go" Ally asked "Good until I got home to be robbed" I sighed "What" Ally, Liv and Greg all bucked at the same time. "yeah, we can talk about it another time, but I'm back at August house" I told them

"Man we coming over after we leave here" Greg told me "Okay cool, maybe I'll talk about it then maybe not" I cleared my throat. "I'm going to find the ice machine I'll be back." I got up going back down the hall. As I approach the baby nursery the guy standing at the window became more and more familiar.

"Martel" I took the glasses off my face. He looked up at me "Oh Em, what's up baby" He hugged me. "Why you here, and at the baby nursery" I never hugged him back. "My grandma here, the baby nursery keeps me calm. They all so new and unharmed by the world we live in it makes me feel happy being here. Instead of in the room seeing my Grandma in pain" He got deep.

"Well let me go see her while I'm here" I told him "Nah she sleep right now, I came down here once I was sure she was. Why you here" He asked "Allison sick, so I came to see her"

"Look, I'll be back go say hey to Allison" I told him walking off to find the ice machine. I stopped asked the lady at the desk and grabbing a pitcher to fill up for the room. Come to find out I had to go all the way to the café to get it. Once I got back to the room Martel was in there and he looked annoyed.

"Yo why you ain't tell me you got robbed last night" He came off strong. "Like brah, calm down talk about this later and change your tone this not the time nor place" August stepped in before I could even say anything. Tel just walked out bumping my shoulder.

"Somebody needs to go to a AA meeting" Liv joked "I swear" I sat the pitcher down getting some ice out for myself before sitting down joining in on the conversation. I decided to tell them what happen last night, and they were shocked. "That shit don't sound right" Greg shook his head

"I know, same shit I said" August agreed.

We stayed a couple more hours with Ally before we headed home, Greg and Liv still came over. Martel didn't even text me or anything for him to be as concerned as he was. 

Rags To Riches | August AlsinaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora