We Are All In This Together

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This tree house was too small, it held John, Jade, Jake, Jane, Roxy, Rose, Dave and Dirk! They were actually surprised everyone fit in Jake's house but now as days went by it felt smaller. The growls of struggling zombies down below could be heard there was almost no way the undead could make it in here. That's what they thought until a zombie's rotted hand burst through the wood where Jade was sitting against the wall. Everyone screamed and Jake quickly grabbed his gun and shot the zombie before grabbing Jade and moving from the hole.
"Are you okay? Did you get bit...?" Jake asked her and she shook her head although no one could tell she was lying.

Later that night they awoke to the sound of a gun shot in the tree house. They all jumped up, Jake grabbed the flashlight as Dave and John looked around until Jane screamed, "JADE!" finally Jake flashed the light over to Jane and saw her hands covered in blood and a girl in her hands. It was Jade in her arms her hand slowly opened and the soft clank of the gun hit the wood.
"She shot herself! But look she was turning into the undead!" John exclaimed and Jane dropped the girl, the smash of Jade's glasses breaking could be heard. Jane began crying and Jake hugged her and John. This was already getting out of hand. Dirk said they should give Jade a proper burial, Dave then angrily suggested leaving her for the zombies as food source before Dirk hit him in the back of his head. Finally Jake decided they had no choice but to give Jade a proper burial in the morning, but yet no one slept. After they woke up Dirk helped Jake pick up Jade and carry her from the tree house, the Zombies had scattered to shield from sunlight and so they had enough time to bury Jade, get food and come back.
They began to dig and finally made a hole big enough for the girl setting her down into it before filling the hole with dirt, the three remaining girls had picked daisies and buttercups and set them where the dirt pile was. Everyone stood still saying their good byes to Jade before grabbing their backpacks and weapons and heading into the city to scavenge food.

"Alright! That should be enough to last us another two weeks before our next hunt!" Jake exclaimed to his group with a sigh of forced laughter. Roxy sighed. "Yet no booze in sight. This like totally sucks zombie-" the girl was cut off by Dirk hushing her. She scoffed but was quiet as told. A growl of a shuffling zombie. Dave stepped toward it.
"Karkat..." Dave mumbled some how knowing the short shambling undead. Dirk grabbed Dave's arm.
"He's not who you think he is. He's dead." Dirk said as the zombie inched after Dave and Dirk.
"Bro.. I'm not stupid I just... Miss him..." He said frowning looking down at the chest of the zombie, the ripped sweater and stained blood flashing a horrid memory made Dave mad and shake Dirk off his arm before they turned around.
"Alright. We make it back to camp then we set up a fire. We stay out till sun down then up in the tree house to sleep..."
Dave was cut off by John. "Dave..."
"What is it Egbert?" He asked glaring at him before sighing with no response and then they set off to leave. Half way home Dave ran back saying he forgot something.
They waited Dave's return before John looked at his watch.
"He's been thirty minutes.. He's gone.. Come on guys.. Let's go back..." John stated before everyone agreed and didn't realize that John was right. Dave was bitten and wasn't coming back so soon.

That night in the tree house Dirk played his acoustic guitar softly while singing a soft song to brighten the dark world surrounding them. Finally Roxy and Jane and John fell asleep. Rose stated she had to go to the bathroom and would return. She went down and Dirk and Jake took this as an opportunity to kiss. Dirk set his guitar down and pulled the smaller male in his lap and began kissing. It wasn't heated but it was passionate. Full of love until Jake pulled back.
"Rose isn't back... It's been an hour so. Maybe..." He said and Dirk sighed saying she would be. But he was wrong.
That morning Jane and Roxy had made a breakfast out of peanut butter and jelly. Everyone ate happily and then Roxy asked where Rose was then shut up looking down knowing that she was dead before Jane rubbed her back sighing.
John sighed. "I can't take it... My sisters dead...my boyfriend too and now Rose. Who else? Roxy and Jane?" He began crying and everyone looked at him before Jane got up and hugged him.
"John... It's okay we aren't going anywhere. We promise.. You're just stressed. Maybe you should nap for a bit. Nothing else to do." Jane said softly and Roxy smiled. "Yeah after all! We are all in this together! And if we die, we die together. Don't worry. Jade and Dave and Rose would totally want us to carry on in their name!" And that got John to smile before agreeing and they all hugged happily.

They knew the world was falling apart. There had to be more survivors but they wouldn't know. Soon after Rose, Dave and Jade had fallen, John started to go insane killing himself with Dave's old weapon before Jane fell from a roof and Roxy hung herself with a scarf. Now just remained Jake and Dirk. Will their love save them? Or will it perish in the fallen clutches of humanity?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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