"A party for what?"

"It's my birthday. I'm turning 15." He explained.

"That's fantastic. Happy Birthday to you. But I can't go. Because.......Will said I have to rest. Yeah," I pointed to my head. "Lots and lots of rest."

Nick's smile dissapeared.
"Oh- I......understand." He shoved his hands into his Jean pockets and walked away from me towards the Armory.

I turned the opposite way and walked towards the Cabins.

Actually I felt super tired. Like I've taken to many shots of Tylenol. I decided to skip dinner because I wasn't that hungry. I walk to my cabin and take a shower in the girls restroom. I wash off all of the slobber, and dirt off of me. Then I grab some plain white PJs. I rested in my bed and as soon as my head touched the pillow I fell asleep.

I'm such an idiot! Of course she would say no. It's her first day back. Am I rushing? Does she like me back?Doesn't she remember that she gave me a kiss on the cheek?

"Woah buddy," Aaron stopped me in my tracks. "Why the long face?" He was leaning against a tree. His coal-black hair, neon blue highlights colored the black canvas of his hair. His jade colored eyes was the only thing that told people to leave him alone. He didn't need to speak to scare someone away.

"I tried asking Autumn out to my birthday party." I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets.

"And," Aaron pushed me to continue.

"She said no." I slump my shoulders.

Aaron playfully punched me in the shoulder. "Dude enjoy the day. Your turning fifteen. Live today and don't worry about tomorrow."

"Well jeez you should be the next fortune cookie maker." I mumble.

"That was a little rude." He paused. "My boy is all grown up." He pretended to wipe fake tears. "Oh how I've waited for this moment."

I slightly chuckle. Surprisingly Aaron didn't have his trident with him. That thing never leaves his side.

Aaron had me in a headlock. And he started rubbing his knuckles in my head. One of his famous noogies. "Now c'mon Nicky. Cheer up!"

"Okay! Okay! I will! Let me go!" I slip out under his arm. "Where's your trident any way?"

Aaron dug into the pocket of his black jeans. He pulled out his trident. It was the size of a toothpick. Then it grew 5ft tall. The dark blue metal gleamed in the sun light and the tips of the blades were pointy sharp.

"Right here." Aaron grinned. The bottom of the trident stabbed through the ground. Making the ground vibrate. Screams shot off in the distance. A small smirk formed on Aaron's lips.

"That wasn't cool." I say. "Not everyone likes your mini earthquakes."

"It wasn't cool, but it was hilarious." Aaron laughed.

A conch horn blew off in the distance. Time for dinner. I thought.

"I'm going to the mess hall. Your more than welcome to join me." I start walking.

"I think this way would be much more fun." Aaron touched the large oak tree and took all of the moisture out of it. Which killed the mighty tree. He made the moisture into water. The water turned into a large puddle on the ground. He grabbed me by my sweater hoodie. And pulled me into the puddle.

We popped back up and we were in the mess hall. Even though we just jumped in a puddle we were both completely dry.

°°•○●°•○●MINI TIME SKIP●○•°●○•°
After dinner the sun was setting. My party starts right before the camp bon- fire starts.

I use my super speed and run to the Hermes cabin. I walked inside and people jumped out at me.

"SURPRISE!" They all said in unison. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY!"

The interior of the Hermes cabin was usually really messy. Most of the 'unknowns' stay here. So sleeping bags and clothes littered the floor. Only children of Hermes got to sleeping in the bunks. And things that we steal usually clutters the whole place as well. Actually, to my surprise, the cabin looked spick and span. Sleeping bags were all rolled up. Clothes were all off the floor. Probably jammed inside a closet. A table on the side of the room had a large bowl of Kool-aid, chips and dip, and a cake. The people who are there were Leo, Aaron, Four satyrs that I didn't even know (probably here for the Kool-aid), A teen girl from the Iris cabin (probably here to hook up with Aaron) that's never going to happen. Aaron doesn't like girls, and lastly all of my half siblings were there. Aaron had his trident at his side, a dark broody face, and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Is this all for me? Wow!" I was shocked at how organized the place was.

"Of course little amigo." Leo smiled.

Travis came up to me. And wrapped his arm around my shoulder."C'mon little bro. Let's play a game. To uh...Celebrate your birthday!"

"Sure why not." I shrug my shoulders. The party was missing something. No, it was missing someone. "What's the game called?"

"Truth or dare." Conner grinned. Something fishy is going on in here. And Percy isn't even at the party.

Everyone in the cabin (except for Aaron) sat down as if it had been rehearsed.

Authors Note
.okay this is where we started our roleplay. But I'll continue it in the next chapter.

I sat down as well.

"Truth or Dare, Nick?" Travis asked.

"Umm...Dare." I replied.

Conner and Travis gave each other michevious grins.

Conner continued. "Okay then, we dare you to steal one of Autumn's bras."

{2}Autumn the Demigod: Legacies of OlympusWhere stories live. Discover now