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*I'll be needing stitches*

The obnoxious sound of beeping woke me up. I open my eyes, I was in the infimary. Fantastic. Jessica was sitting beside the bed. Her long, curly blonde hair rested on her shoulders. Nico was standing in the corner of the room. I was about to say something to him, but he pressed his index finger to his lips. Telling me 'don't say a word.'

Jessica threw her arms around me, nearly crushed my ribs. "You're alive!"

"I- c-can't....breathe." I wheeze out.

"Oh I'm so sorry! It's just that you've been knocked out for two days." Jessica pulls a ringlets of her hair behind her ear.

"Two days!" I say shockingly.


"You know sometimes you can be way too perky. And annoying." I grumble.

Jessica gasped."Hey, that was uncalled for! I was the only one who visited you. Except for Will."

"Where's Nicholas?" I asked her.

"Oh don't worry Autumn I'm doing great. Just peachy." She remarked.

"I'm serious, where is he." I look around the room. But the two people that were their was Nico and Jessica. And a cat poster dangling from a tree that said, 'Hang in there.'

"He doesn't know your here." She said.


The doors of the infirmary open. I snap my eyes shut. I could hear flip flops clapping across the linoleum floor.

Will was in a blue nurse's uniform. He had a clipboard with a pen at his side. I couldn't help but notice that Will looked almost exactly like Apollo. Sun-kissed skin, radiant Sandy colored hair, and dazzling blue eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" Wil asked me.

"I'm feeling fine." I sit up. I felt my forehead with my fingertips. I felt small bumps that all went in a curve direction across my forehead. "Did I get stitches?"

"Yes you did." Jessica nodded. "And you also got your foot amputated."

"I did!" I look under the baby blue colored blanket and both my feet were still there. I wriggled ten of my toes. I look back at Jessica and she had a smug look on her face. "Very funny."

Jessica started cracking up. "I'm sorry I just had to do that. But it was worth it."

Will started to speak again. "Your body wouldn't let Nectar nor the Ambrosia into your system. It kept rejecting them. Which is not normal for a demigod."

In the midst of this, Nico was still standing in the corner. Nobody noticed him but me.

"What are you looking at?" Will follows my gaze. He sees Nico just standing there. He was speechless. He turned away from me and slowly walk towards Nico. He gave Nico a warm embraced hug. Which made Nico was red from head to toe.

"I missed you." Will said. "I'm sorry...I'm didn't know what I was thinking, on that night at the stables."

All Nico did was nod into Will's shoulder.

Jessica tapped me on the shoulder. "Let's get out of this fluffy moment." She pulled me out of the bed. I was already wearing Camp-Half Blood clothing. Denim shorts that went above my knees, and the orange t-shirt. I slipped into a pair of bunny slippers that were under the bed. And we both sneak out of the infirmary door and out into the sunlight. The sweet smell of fresh strawberries filled the air. I kinda missed the aroma. The lake sparkled as the sun's rays reflected off the clear water. Demigods the age 4 to 9 years old were being taught how to shoot a plastic arrow out of the ceramic bow.

A baby Satyr waddled past us chewing on a aluminum can.

The girl in the red bandanna, Clarrise, I remember, was chasing after him. "Watch out! That's my godson! He's learning his first steps! Keep going Chuck!" She had the biggest smile on her face. Different than the one she had on when she was chasing the Stoll twins. A teenager was following Clarrise.

"He's doing fine Clarrise! Let him venture off." He said.

"Get the camera Chris!" Clarrise replied. "I want to show this to Mellie and Hedge."

The teenager named Chris ran back into a cabin.

Jessica pulled my arm. "C'mon let's go to the training arena."

"No," I pull my arm away from her grasp. "I don't want to go there. I know who is going to be there, and I don't want to see him."

Jessica's eyebrow furrowed. Then realization hit her in the face. "Ok, then maybe we should do something else."

"Good idea." I shake my head. Which wasn't a good idea because my head still kinda hurt from the stitches.

"How about we go over to the Arts and Crafts." Jessica offered.

"Sounds great. Now where is it exactly?"

"Near the Volleyball courts, just past the Amphitheater." Jessica states.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"You know you want to see Nicholas. I can read your head and deep inside you truly want to see him."

I groan inwardly. "Yeah I do." I sigh in defeat.

Jessica's smile grew twice as big. Into a Cheshire smile. She grabbed my arm again. And jumped with joy.

I quickly dodge Aaron's trident. If I had been two seconds late I would've been shish kabob. I am currently in the arena training with one of my best pals Aaron King. He was a transfer from Camp Jupiter. I forgot that Romans were a little jumpy around Neptune spawn.

Aaron swung his trident. I pivot in a 180° angle and advance the tip of my sword towards the open parts of his armor. Such as the arms. He lunged forward and the used the staff part of his trident, and tripped me. I fell on my face, in the dirt.

Some satyrs, and nymphs were betting each other with drachmas. Who was going to win? Me or Aaron. I was hoping I would win. Probably the reason why they belive Aaron would win because he is a year older than me. And was more built in structure, meaning that he had the body of a super model.

I get back up on my feet and get into my stance. I pivot in a 180° circle on the balls of my feet and advance on Aaron again. The small crowd was whooping for me. And exchanging drachmas. My eyes scan the crowd with pride. My eyes land on Jessica and Autumn. Autumn?

I was caught off guard and Aaron's tip of his trident slashed at my arm. The tip grazed my arm leaving a small trail of blood down my arm.

"Woah, sorry dude." Aaron said. His voice was already matured so it was low. "I told you I tried to go easy on you. But sometimes I get to wild up. Why did you stop on that advance. That was a perfect set up. Is it because today's your birthday and your turning 15?"

My eyes were still on Autumn. I let out a sigh.

"Oh......that's why." Aaron said.


Jessica and I watched Nicholas train withe a teenager. That had coal black hair, and neon blue highlights. And I can say quite actractive in a tall, mysterious way.

Nick saw me in the small crowd of Satyrs and Nymphs. His face had a small burn mark on his right cheek. Where did he get that from? His dark brown eyes were filled with kindness and longing.

The teen slashed his trident on Nick's arm. Nick's eyes never left me.

"Autumn!" I turn around and see Will walking towards me. I can tell he was a little mad. His blond hair was all messy, and his shirt was on backwards. "Why aren't you resting in the infirmary?"

"Umm....why is your shirt backwards?" I ask him. Will looks down at his shirt and realizes that he was wearing it back wards. He fixes it and ruffles his hair.

The his blue eyes see the cut on Nick's arm. "And you." He points at him. "Need to come with me as well. Because that cut isn't going to heal itself."

Will took me and Nick by the shoulder and walked us to the infirmary. The whole way Nick was still staring at me.

{2}Autumn the Demigod: Legacies of OlympusUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum