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Habits very between good, bad, and useless.

A good habit I have is that if I know I have to wake up early for something, my body will prep itself and wake up before my alarm goes off. Of course after school starts, my will for getting up early slowly starts crumbling, but it's nothing that I can't mend into a habit sooner or later.

Then there are my bad habits. It's a well known one- procrastination! I put the pro in procrastination sometimes. I will do anything to not study. It's a terrible habit because good grades are important to me, and I have good material to study but I just can't sit down and do it. I would rather bathe the cat than study for a math test that I really need an "A" on.

And with the useless habits. I call them useless because if I DID stop them, it wouldn't have any impact on my life. One of mine is itching my head. I scratch my head almost constantly during school, at home, even right now i'm itching the back of my head near my neck. Ahhh, a nice scratch :D

Something else I used to do was bite my nails. One day I decided I wanted to break it because of how terrible my nails were. But itching my head? What's so bad about it (Other than being told that it's not sanitary) I don't itch my head when i'm cooking or eating, because i'm cautious about that. Just let me enjoy the useless habit that I wish I didn't have but have it anyway because i'm too weak willed to end it.

Then there are those habits we all have. Pencil tapping, occasional humming, leg jiggling. And when we notice someone else doing it, we ask them to stop. Why do we do this? We're all victims of that one person in class to pretends to be a master freaking drummer with their pencil or hands, but then we get this little urge to do it. 


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