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The sun rays landed harshly on the burning sand,but that did not matter, the problem was not a single cloud or cactus for the past 4 weeks. (Y/n)'s water was running out. Being a desert wanderer had its pros and cons; walking through this serene and dreadful environment gives (Y/n) the feeling of pure freedom; the cold starlight night always made him dream and wonder what could be past this dried land he has traveled for two years. The bad part is surviving, dangerous animals, bandits, obtaining food, to assemble the tent faster than the sandstorm and gathering enough water for two. Well, he wasn't traveling alone, he had his beloved camel with him, (C/n); he is a lot of help considering he takes on all of (Y/n)'s belongings weight.

(Your P.O.V)

Like every day, the heat was almost unbearable. The sand dunes made the illusion of movement, giving me the signal. I was dehydrating. I take out my water bottle and take a couple of gulps, then pour it in a bowl so (C/n) could have some too. While waiting for him to finish, I looked ahead, instantly noticing a speck of black and gold in the distance. The gold part reflected the sun making me squint my eyes. Ready to walk again we approached it. The speck soon turn into a body, it was a man and he was unconscious!! He had raven hair and wore a metal gold colored belt, some white cloth around his shoulders and a blue with yellow lines on his neck, black loose pants and a white hat. His abdomen was well built, causing me to blush deeply. I do not know if I should help him, he doesn't look dangerous but he is carrying a sword with him... I prefer to help, killing a man will lead me to a similar end. Carefully taking the man's head, I placed the water bottle on his lips, parting them slightly so the water wouldn't fall. Few seconds later his eyes opened on a flash and took the water bottle from my hand...

The outcome of my decision was one I never imagined... he poured the last savings on his head...

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