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Rose's P.O.V:

"Well I never thought I would live to see the day Rose Weasley would get detention. And from a Muggle Studies teacher no less!" My bestfriend and roommate Lacey laughed as she continued to make fun of me all the way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Can this day seriously get any worse?!" I asked frustrated as I plopped down on the couch in the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Rose, you realize the detention is tonight, right. As in still this day, which will obviously make it worse for you." She pointed out and I sat up and stared at her.

"Oh thanks Captain Obvious, I had no idea what the word tonight means!" I replied sarcastically and she rolled her eyes, got up and left. But not before replying.

"Well. Someone is in a bad mood, isn't she?!" She waved her hands in the air and exited the room, leaving me alone.

I decided that before detention started I would have a quick nap, so I wasn't tired later, and I drifted off on the couch. When I awoke about 10 to 15 minutes later, my body was stuck to the couch and I tried everything to get up without my wand (it was on the floor across the room). I knew who was responsible for this.

"James Sirius! Frederick Lee! Let me off this couch before I hex you both into oblivion!" I screamed knowing they couldn't be too far away.

"Yeah sure you will!" My cousins James Potter and Fred Weasley (the second 😢) laughed.

"Your right," I sighed, "I'll just tell Auntie Ginny and Aunt Angelina all about this." I faked a voice of sadness, they both rushed into the room with worry on both of their faces.

"You wouldn't!" They said in unison and I narrowed my eyes at them both.

"Oh, you know I would." I threatened and they immediately set me free from the jinx that was keeping me from moving off the couch.

I brushed myself off, smiled mischievously at them, and walked up to the girls dormitories.

I opened the door to a sight I was afraid I would never forget. My cousin Albus sat on Lacey's bed and was kissing her passionately while she was sitting on his lap. I groaned in disgust.

"Oh Merlin, I think I'm blind!" I waled and they immediately pulled apart and stood up.

"Rose it's not what it looks like--" Al started to explain but I cut him off.

"Oh really Albus Severus, because to me it looks like you and my best friend were about too, ugh, all over my room! And how the hell did you even get in here?!" I yelled and he started to laugh and I looked at him with concern.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking about when you and Scorpius have to do that in front of a whole room of people, including your dad!" He was laughing uncontrollably now, and had tears forming in his eyes.

"Romeo and Juliet do not do that in the play!" I screamed and Lacey cocked her head and her eyes widened.

"What do you think Romeo and Juliet did on their wedding night, Rose?" She started to laugh while trying to get Albus off of the ground where he had fallen from laughing too hard.

"Professor Ashwood would definitely not put that in the play!" I laughed nervously and Lacey smirked.

"I don't know Rose, I think she kind of ships you guys. I mean she casted you both as Romeo and Juliet without auditioning anyone else, you two sit together all the time even when everyone else switches seats, and she pairs you up together on every project. There is a chance she may..." Lacey tried to hide her smile.

I decided to leave early for detention and was walking the corridors when I bumped into someone while turning the corner.

"I'm so sorry!--Malfoy?!" I asked surprised as I noticed the familiar platinum blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Weasley, I'm starting to think you like bumping into me, this is the fifth time this week." He smirked while brushing off the dust from his pants from falling on the floor.

"Your so full of yourself aren't you?" I asked already knowing the answer and he started to walk in the direction of the potions classroom. When we reached the door I stopped him with my arm.

"It's alright princess, I'll get the door." I said, I opened the door and motioned to the door in front of us.

We entered and saw Professor Slughorn sitting at his desk, feeding his pet goldfish. He looked up when he heard our nearing footsteps.

"Oh, children! How wonderful that you would join me, do you need help on an assignment?" He asked and Scorpius and I looked at each other and laughed.

"No sir, we were assigned detention with you." I told him and he chuckled embarrassedly.

"Alright, there's nothing around here for you to do, but there is a classroom that's not used anymore..." He started off into the distance with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"Sir?..." Scorpius waved his hand in front of where Slughorn was starring and he came back to reality.

"It's in the dungeons, take care of it will you, it has a lot of meaning." He said smiling at us and we made our way down to the basement.

"Woah!" I exclaimed as we entered the abandoned classroom, Scorpius looked everything but surprised as he looked around.

"This--this is--" He mumbled and I made my way over to the teachers desk.

As I looked into one of the drawers I noticed a letter. The handwriting looked very similar to my Uncle Harry's but wasn't quite his, the letter read...

Dear Severus,

Things have been a bit strange now that we've not been hanging out. James tells me not to worry about you, but I can't help but wonder why you chose to join those monsters. I've been fine, keeping myself occupied by studying in the library or hanging out with Marlene McKinnon or with James and his group of friends. I hope to see you at the Yule Ball, I feel as if I never see you anymore.
                            Best wishes,

I was very confused. This letter was much too old to be from my cousin Lily Potter, and she doesn't know anybody named Sev--, it hit me. This was the old classroom of Severus Snape, Albus' namesake and my mum, dad, and Uncle Harry's potions professor. A death eater, that's want Uncle Harry's mother Lily was talking about, he must've just recently joined the Death Eaters.

"What a guy, huh?" Scorpius walked over behind me and bit his lip as if he was thinking.

"If this is too hard or something--" I started but Scorpius placed his hand on my shoulder to stop me from talking.

"Rose, just because I'm a Malfoy doesn't mean I'm going to follow the family tradition of becoming a Death Eater, besides I'm too good looking to wear a mask all the time." He laughed and I joined in, he moved closer, I took a deep breath and lunged at Snape's desk grabbing another paper and holding it in front of Scorpius' face grinning.

"Rose, I'm not trying to make a move on you. You'll have to wait until show time.." He smirked and I quickly became bright red.

"Oh, is that the time? Sorry Scorpius, James will kill me if I'm late to another quidditch practice." I explained while grabbing my bag and heading towards the door.

"Am I supposed to clean this whole place by myself?!" He asked annoyed, throwing his hands into the air. I turned around and shrugged with a playful look on my face as I walked through the door.

"You will be sorry you did this to me, Rose!" he yelled and I laughed making my way to the quidditch changing rooms.

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