Returny from jail is the second gaurdain

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Pic at the top is of Eugene, the returny from jail. FYI he likes to be called Levy, he goes ballistic if you call him Eugene, but as you know Soul just loves to make people mad. And if you haven't caught on Xavier is the first gaurdian.

Soul's Pov

After I said my victor sentence to Xavier I walked out of the room like an idiot since I don't know where the fuck I am supposed to go and he was supposed to take me to the classroom, but as you know you don't insult an alpha and then go back asking him to escort you to class you'd have to be an imbecile, complete and utter retard.

A few minutes later I gave up and sat down, I'm still not going to ask for help it's only 7:30 I got some time.


A few hours later

"GOD DAMMIT IT, FUCK THIS SCHOOL, FUCK THESE HALLS, FUCK XAVIER, EVERYONE CAN GO TO HELL WITH THESE SHITTY MAZE LIKE HALLS" I shouted out and another "GOD DAMMIT" and finally I saw someone, I saw a .........😢 I saw....... a person OMG how long it's been.

I started running, running toward that electric green haired woman and jumped and hugged her, God did I hug her, I hugged the fucking life out of her and she tapped and gasped out "Okay you can let me go now" and she pried me off.

"Sorry I got lost and I saw nobody, like no one at all, it was like I got the plague or malaria, or tuberculosis, or-"

"I got it so chill" after she said that I breathed in and out and finally calmed down and she said


"Ya, sorry I don't do so good alone for so long" and she looked at me weirdly and said

"How long exactly have you been roaming the halls"

"What time is it"


"Exactly 5 hours and 20 minutes" and her eyes grew wide and she said

"Damn, if I was lost for that long I would've kissed anyone that walked by, female, gay, teacher, shit I would've kissed Freddie from Nightmare on Elm Street"

"Okay, so how do you get to Xavier's class"

"You totally missed his class like 7 halls ago"


"Don't worry I'll take you, I was on my way there anyway"

"OMG you are a life saver"

"No prob, but" Oh no its the but

"You have to be my friend if I take you"

"That it"


Shit I thought it was gonna be something horrible, but yes I got a friend and a chauffeur, two birds, one giant boulder of achievement.

A few minutes passed by

"Are we there yet" I said

"Yes we are" she said



"Geez don't have to yell"

"Well quit asking, will get there when we get there"

"Okay, okay, I'll quit asking"


"Are we there yet"

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