Chapter 2- White Camellia

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Josh had a problem.

He had a problem in those nervous smiles the new boy gave, in the way his hushed voice sounded, the way his eyes shone.

Josh had a problem with the new boy.

Tyler Joseph.

Tyler was only in a few of Josh's classes, but he distracted Josh all day. When he wasn't sneaking glances at Tyler, Josh was again drawing on ink free parts of his skin while he drifted in and out of focus. Soft eyes drawn in purples and blues trailed up his left arm. Josh blushed and rubbed at the drawings, he knew Tyler was taking up too much of his mind.


The lunch bell rang and the class filed out into the hall quickly. It was loud and boisterous as Josh pushed his way through the throng of kids, nearly running into a group of freshmen as they stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway. He pushed his way around them and followed the stream of people downstairs into the cafeteria. Someone slipped their arm around Josh's shoulder and he jumped slightly, turning to them.

"Hey man, how've you been? I hardly saw you over the summer." Josh rolled his eyes and pushed his friend Brendon off him.

"Yeah, I know. I didn't do much. But how about you? Do much over break?" Josh asked while he lead them to a table.

"I went to a few parties, nothing big. You should come sometime Josh, you need to get out more, live a little." Brendon told him.

Josh brushed him off before changing the subject. "Okay, whatever. Have you seen the new kid though?"

"Yeah, he's in one of my classes. Tom, Taylor, something like that right?" Brendon pulled out his lunch while he talked, wrinkling his nose as he looked inside the bag.

"It's Tyler." Josh said and yanked Brendon's lunch bag from his hands. "What do you got Urie?"

"My mom's all about this new healthy food lately. It's all gross." He watched as Josh picked up a sad looking Tupperware dish.

Josh hummed in reply. "Looks it."

"Whatever." Brendon grabbed his lunch back. "What's so special about this new kid anyway?"

"He's not 'new kid', his name's Tyler. And there's nothing special about him." Josh said the last part quickly.

Brendon quirked his eyebrow. "You sure about that, Josh?"

"Yeah, he's just new s'all." Josh mumbled.

Brendon laughed softly under his breath at him. "Aww... Joshie's got a crush."

"Oh shut up and eat your stupid health lunch."

Inflorescence  // joshler /Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon