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This is my persona, Sparks! She's my baby! I absolutely love her! She's adorable!

Why I wanted a persona: I've seen many artists with these little guys so I made myself one. Expect more OCs!

Name: Sparks
Species: Half fire demon/ half human
Likes: Fire, chaos, reading, writing, summer, Nile, her hair, guys, fights, warm colors, screaming, drawing, Aira and Ebony(sort of), running, flaming cats, anything to do with fire.
Dislikes: Water, optimists, calm, Nile, Aira, and Ebony(They have complicated relationship), pools, winter, small children, most people, cool colors, idiots, anything "normal".
Personality: Basically, the angry, cool, tough side of myself. Very smart, but doesn't show it. Would love to hate love but she's a hopeless romantic (like myself). Pretty much a strange loner.
Bio: Her mother was a fire demon and her dad a human. Since this kind of romance in forbidden among the fire demons, her father raised Sparks on Earth, where she attends her first year of high school. Sparks is aware of her parentage, because fire demons believe in telling the blunt truth. She has not, however, learned to control her fire powers, so sometimes she will accidentally use them. There was this one time with a cow...
When Sparks began high school, she met a blue haired boy in home room. Because of her knowledge on the spirits/demons of her dimension, she could easily tell that this boy was part water spirit. For crying out loud, the child wasn't even wearing shoes! But she couldn't just tell him this straight up. So, she very nonchalantly pushed the boys talking to him out of the way and sat down. "Hi" she said holding out her hand, "I'm Sparks and your part water spirit." I told you fire demons believed in being bluntly honest.
Then bloomed a beautiful friendship. Nile tried to take Sparks to the nurse, Sparks punched Nile in the nose, she brought him to her dad (against his will), her dad conformed that Nile was half water spirit, and they were late for first period.
After this, Sparks doubted she'd ever met another spirit or demon, but then she met Aira and Ebony!

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