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"Sid here!" Geno yelled up to us suddenly.

"Looks like Geno already told everyone to come over." Anna chuckled and started to leave the room. For some reason, my nerves kicked in. What if they didn't like me? What if Geno's friends were like my dad? I doubted it, not many people are like my dad, but I couldn't help but worry. This day has been too good so far. Something bad has to happen, right?

"You coming Kaitlyn?" Anna asked in a bit of a worried tone.

"Oh um yeah. But could you call me Danielle please?"

She smiled, clearly relieved I was okay. "Of course!"

Without anymore hesitation, I followed her downstairs. Geno was talking to 3 men when we came down. I thought it was only going to be one, and by her expression, Anna thought the same. However, she warmed up to everyone a lot faster than I did.

"Danielle, this is Sidney, David, and Kris." Anna said with a sweet smile.

Geno looked confused when Anna called me Danielle, which caused her to mouth, 'later'.

I politely said hello to Kris, David, and Sidney before I noticed something. I narrowed my eyes but I couldn't place my finger on where I had seen these guys before. "You all look so familiar... Especially Sidney." I said slowly.

This caused them all to laugh, including Geno and Anna. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. Sidney stepped forward and smiled, showing off his pretty white teeth. "Does Sidney Crosby ring a bell?"

My eyes widened, "Oh my God." Memories flashed before my eyes. 2009 Sid and Geno won the Stanley cup along with the rest of the Penguins. I remembered my Dad screaming at the TV in anger. I remembered the parade in downtown Pittsburgh that my dad wouldn't let me go to. I remembered the expression of pure joy on Sid's face once he knew they had won. But yet I couldn't recognise the star's face who did it all. I couldn't even recognise the face who I looked up to my whole childhood.

"Sidney Crosby." I whispered. I looked over at Kris and it struck me. "Kris Letang." But then I turned to David. I didn't recognise him. The last time I had watched Penguins hockey was the 2009 Stanley Cup Final. He must be new. "And David..." I trailed off.

He smiled, and my heart melted, "I'm David Perron."

"It's nice to meet you David!"

And then I turned to Geno. "Evgeni freaking Malkin." He smiled and chuckled. I smiled and put my hand over my mouth. I was in more than shock at this point.

"I can't believe I didn't notice." I said, laughing.

"I thought it was cool," Sid said, "Most people go crazy, especially when they recognise us."

I blushed, "Well I was going crazy in my head if that counts. And for the record, I still am freaking out."

Sid laughed and I felt myself blushing again. I couldn't believe I was in the same room as my childhood idol.

"Are you gonna take her to practice tomorrow?" David asked Geno, changing the topic. Geno looked over at me as if to ask. I nodded with a bit too much enthusiasm, but he got the idea. "Yes, I will."

He smiled, "Looks like we'll meet again soon." And with that, he left. Kris and Sid stayed for a while and got to know me better before they had to go.

I think I could get used to this life, and these amazing people.


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