Last goodbye

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A/n: The title says it all, dear readers.  This is a last goodbye to you, for this will be the last part of the story. I just realized I had made the mistake that there would be two part left last part, but there was only one. After a year of writing, this story is now to come to an end. 

I'd like to say special thanks, which I think they are really important:

 The first thanks goes to my best friend, who is now more of a sister for me. She is the first one to have read the very first version of this fanfic, when it was paper written (in 2014). She's also the one that made my life way easier to live. I'd give everything up if you wanted me too, Sweetheart. Thanks for being with me.

The second thanks goes to you, dear readers. When I was in my most dark periods I came here to re-read the comments and smile to your reaction of this story, I even talked to some of you on a daily basis. I am really sad and literally crying right now. I know it's not really over or anything and probably some of you will read my other stories, but I counted each and every one of you as my family now :')

The third thanks goes to my grandpa, who always belived in me, and in my capacities when nobody else did. I wish you were still here to see me now, papi, and see how strong I've become now. I guess we will meet again in, I hope because that's what you wanted, any, many years.

Now,we should get on with this.  as promised, here's some info about me: I a a teenager, a girl, barely 15. I am canadian, Quebeker, to be exact. The first letter of my name is S, and the last, L.

Enjoy this last story part.


*Timecut: funeral of Italy and Prussia*

He had lost the war, is brother, his lover and his friend. all of that for what? stupid memories. WHat's the point of having them back if he couldn't enjoy them with someone he loved anymore. HE had lost everything. His feelings were turned into ultimate sadness. He had his memories back, but did it really worth the price?

He looked up. It was over, everyone was leaving. He turned around, but his heard caught this well known language. Italian. He turned his head to find where it was coming from. After making his way between people, he could clearly see this well dressed man, short hair, the one talking Italian. it hit him. he saw it. The famous curl.

"I-Italy" He said, beginning to walk towards the for that was showing his back to him. Once reached, he hugged Italy fro behind, before turning him around and kissing him fully on the lips. "You're alive Italy" he announced, quite happy, pulling the other man into a kiss again. It was quite weird that Italy tried to push him away.

"What the hell! Stop it" Said the guy. "It's Romano, Potato bastard, not my idiotic brother" He announced in his  angry voice, finally managing to push him away, slapping him. What the hell was wrong with Germany.

"Hey Romano!" Said another voice. It was Spain. He quickly wrapped his arm around Romano's neck, kissing his lips fully to be answered by his lover.

"I-Italy.....W-Why did y-you do that? D-Don't you love me?" Said Germany, in a shaky voice, eyes forming in the corner of his eyes. He did not understand. Italy loved him since god knows when, wasn't he happy with him? Wasn't he enough? "I-I know I took long to come back and broke my promise, b-but I-I love you! I-I love you more then anyone!" He said as the transparent hot liquid rolling out of his eyes to his cheeks, leaving them red and puffy.

"G-Germany! I am Romano! Italy's BROTHER! Spain his my lover" Said Romano

Germany froze. I-Italy was with Spain? In a- a relationship? He couldn't belive it.

He pulled a gun out of his jacket's pocket, aiming it at spain, shooting in a incredible speed.

"IS HE STILL YOUR LOVER, ITALY!" He shouted, pulling his gun to the ground.

"B-Bastard! What did you do! What Is your problem Germany!" Shouted Romano, Kneeling to Spain's level. Hopefully, the bullet was only in his shoulder.

"You're mine, Italy, and nobody's else. I didn't kill him because you see him as your big brother. Don't make me do otherwise. Now, we will go back home, either you want or no." He said, grabbing Romano by his hair and dragging him with many groans of pain from him, trying to go free to join Spain to help him.

"I aM NOT YoURS!" Said Romano, getting free from his powerful grip and backing off. "I will NEVER be!" HE said again.

GErmany was red fro anger. "If you are not mine, you won't be anyone else's either, Italy. " He said, before raising his gun again, and shouting, right in the last Italian's forehead.

romano fell back, dead, as Spain tried to join him. Germany would pay for this. He looked at the blonde GErman walk away.


A big noise of thunder woke the poor Chibitalia up. Was that really all a nightmare? W-what was it?  It felt to real to be only just a dream.  Did that mean Holy Rome Empire was going to.....d-die?  W-would he become G-Germa-whatever wasfollowingthat? They were so many questions in his poor head. He washed away his tears and slipped out of his bed, starting towards Holy Rome's room.

He slowly opened the door, making sore to make no noise, and doing the same for closing it behind him. Next he was climbing on the comfortable bed.

".....Hwmph?....Chibi..talia?. Said Holy Rome, still not quite awake.

"I had a Scary nightmare..... i-I can't sleep." He said, almost crying to the thought that it could not be a dream, but reality, the future.

"Come near" Said Holy Rome, holding the blanket up to chibialia to come under it, next to him. Chibitalia indeed got under the covers and went straight up to him. Holy Rome hugged him hard and kiss him on the forehead. "You'll be fine, Chibitalia. I'll protect you all my life, and even if death comes for me, I'll protect you."

"Thanks. Said Chibitalia. Promising himself he would do the same for him. He remembered that holyroe said somethng similar in the dream thought.

One thing was clear about this dream. If Holy Rome did became Germawhatevercomesafterthat and looses his memories,  he should never try to get them back.

But it would never happen. Holy Rome was too powerful to die.

                                  Or so thought Chibitalia...


A/N: This is over. Well. I hope you enjoyed ;-;. I am still crying. you are all amazing. Also. Last time, someone (Sorry I have a bad memory of name, But she or he is really nice) made me realized I forgot the Italians! Thanks you for reading (for once it's not canada that was ^^')

Anyways. A new long story should come soon...... Like. It's a mega Project so yeah. It might be long (like it'S been my 7th mounth on it and it'S still not done.) I can say it'S hetalia-ish related. Ouf!

If you can't take the wait, you can always read my other stories.

Happy Birthday (spamano)

Oneshot request (open)  only a oneshot right now (x reader)

My weirdness of doom.

that,S about it

see you next time.

What if Germany remembered? (Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ