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Hey my lovelies ☺️

As you'll know I've been having some trouble with some particular people recently. I thought they had finally left me alone, turns out I was wrong!

Now they have been calling me a 'bitch', 'whore' and saying my fics are 'shit' ect ect. In all honesty, why read them if you think they're that bad?

If these pathetic people think their bullying is going to get to me then,they are wrong. I've been through it already and I sure as hell can get through it again. People who think it's ok to hurt people make me sick to my stomach.

It doesn't annoy me or make me angry that they feel the need to try and hurt people. To be honest, I feel sorry for them. They must have so much anger stored up inside them that they have to let it out on a stranger. I hope they get the help they need.

I want everyone to know if they ever need any support over anything, whether we are friends or not, then I am always here for every single one of you who take the time to read this. A couple of days ago I said anyone could message me if they had a problem, and people did! Which I was really happy about, I'd love to help anyone if I can, even if I'm just someone they can rant to. So ping me a message if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to.

Anyway! Even though some of you are going around saying this fic is 'shit', the next update will be tonight! (Once I have finally got my coursework finished!)

There has also been an amazing amount of response to my new fic, The little Logan, which is based around Coronation Street. Themis is my first CS one and I'm overwhelmed by the amount of positive responses. So thank you all!

Love you all!

A x

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