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Charlotte walked up the steps to her sisters' house, with Louis toddling along in front of her. She was dressed in her wellies, black maternity jeans, one of Freddie's black tees and a green bomber jacket, with her hair up in a messy bun. She knocked on the door and Peri opened it. "Hey, Charlotte." She greeted her Auntie.

"What do you look like?" Leela laughed at her little sister when she saw what Charlotte was dressed in.

"Me and Lou are going for a walk in the forest, you guys wanna come? Freddie wouldn't let me go on my own because of this little one so I told him you guys were coming." Charlotte grinned, indicating her belly.

"Well I guess we have to come then." Leela laughed in reply. "Hold on we'll get our wellie boots." Leela fumbled around in their coat closet to find their coats and boots, chucking Peri's at her.

Once Leela and Peri were suitably dressed, the four of them left. "How come you wanted to go for a walk, on a rainy, cold day like this?" Peri chuckled.

"I like to keep Louis out and about, not stuck indoors all day. It's better for him." Charlotte smiled at her niece. "Louis and I don't mind the rain, or the cold, as long as he's wrapped up warm, and he gets fed he's cool." The four of them reached the park and entered the gates towards the forest. There was mud everywhere and they kept getting their boots stuck in the mud.

"It's starting to rain heavier." Leela huffed, her hair was getting messed up and she pulled her raincoat hood up.

"Yeah...It's going to hail, so if it does we'll have to stand in the cabins that are up a bit from here, hopefully they'll be one that's open." Charlotte told them, just as it started to hail.

"Lou," Leela picked Louis up, using her hands to shield his face from the hail, as the three of them quick paced to find the cabin.

There was three cabins, Leela tried the first, Charlotte the second and Peri the last. The first and second weren't open. "Oh my god!" They heard Peri shout. Leela and Charlotte rushed over to where she was standing at the door of the cabin.

"Pez?" Leela found her, she quickly handed Louis back to his Mum. "Lockie?" She looked into the cabin and found Lockie, Cameron's brother, tied up and looking almost starved.

Leela and Charlotte rushed over to him, Charlotte set Louis down so she could help. The two of them untied Lockie's hands, and his hands fell into his lap. He was weak and unstable. Leela gently took the gag out of his mouth. "Don't worry, Lockie. I'll call Cameron to come and help you." Leela soothed him.

"No." Lockie mumbled, his voice hoarse. "Cams the one who did this to me. And he killer your parents on purpose, Leela." Lockie breathed heavily.

"Big mistake." Cameron's voice loomed over them from behind, as he slammed the door shut and locked it tight.

"Cameron, what're you doing?" Leela gave him a pleading look.

"You just had to come down here didn't you? Well now your just going to have to stay here. With him." Cameron smirked evilly.

"Cam, please, my sisters pregnant, and her Louis' only one, you can't keep them here." Leela pleaded with her boyfriend as he opened the door to leave.

"You should've thought about that then." Cameron slammed the door again behind him, putting a piece of wood between the door handles to stop them from being able to get out.

"Lee," Charlotte called over to her sister, Leela turned around, about to shout at her sister to shut up, "my waters have broken." She finished. Leela looked down to see a puddle around her younger sisters feet. She put her hand on her forehead, not knowing what to do.

"Anyone have a phone?" Leela finally said.

"I left mine at home." Peri replied.

"Mines in my bag...that I left at yours." Charlotte paced around, rubbing her stomach. "Louis, baby, sit still, please." She begged her son. "It's too early, Lee, it's too early! She's only seven and a half months! I need Freddie, oh my god where's Freddie!" Charlotte cried out, slumping against the wall next to Lockie.

"Oh, wait, Mum I've got mine actually." Peri handed it to Charlotte. She tapped in Freddie's phone number and called.

"Hello? Charlotte? Your breaking up, I can't hear you? Your breaking up?" Freddie answered.

"Fred! Can you come quick? I've got into labour and we're stuck in a forest because it hailed and we found Lockie in a cabins mad turned out that Cameron locked him in and oh please come and help us!" Charlotte rambled as the line went dead. "There's no signal!!!" Charlotte got angry, chucking Peri's phone at the wall and smashed it.

Leela got to her sisters side and helped her to push out her new niece. Charlotte screamed and huffed until finally her daughter was born. Surprisingly, the baby started to cry as soon as she was born.

"It's a girl!" Peri grinned, cooing at her new little cousin.

"Yeah...we knew it would be, Pez." Leela laughed at her daughter. They heard an ambulance calling in the distance, as Freddie smashed through the door.

"Char?" He saw his girlfriend sat on the floor cradling her baby.

"Dada!" A scared Louis ran into his Dad's arms. Freddie scooped him up, soothing his son.

"It's ok, Lou. Daddy's here." He crouched down, still holding onto Louis, by Charlotte's side and looked down at his newborn baby girl.

"Amelia." Charlotte told him.

"Perfect. Louis and Amelia." Freddie repeated. "Come on, Lotts, we need to get you into the ambulance and get this little one, Amelia, checked over in hospital." Freddie told her. He handed Louis over to Peri to hold, before taking Amelia from from Charlotte and giving her to Leela. Freddie scooped Charlotte up into his arms and carried her out to the ambulance, Leela following behind and Peri helping Lockie out.

Baby Daddy ~ [Hollyoaks - Freddie Roscoe] FINISHEDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن