Chapter 3

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Zosia stared back into his blue eyes in a day dream until the kettle pops up behind them making zosia jump. She turns around and makes the tea. Ollie sits down by the table and zosia brings them other. They start talking about elliott and Brigitte and how he must be feeling. I between sips ollie says "would you hop on a plane, fly here and search for me for endless days." Ollie smiles and looks at zosia. "I would get on a plane and fly around the world for you Dr Valentine" zosia smiles and they kiss passionately until they finally break apart. They want to share this moment forever but ollie takes one last sip of tea and heads off to the ward. He looks back at zosia with her laptop before stepping out of the door. 

It's nearly the end of ollie and zosias shift and zosia is getting changed, applying red lipstick. Ollie walks in. "Albi's" he asks while putting on a shirt and jacket. "Yes I could do with a drink after today, poor Elliott" zosia sighs and picks up her handbag. "Maybe a few vodka shots" she adds with a cheeky grin. Ollie laughs. They head out the door arm in arm and both look back on professor hope in the bed staring at the ceiling full of sadness.

At albI's zosia and ollie have got there drinks, a vodka tonic for zosia and a beer for ollie. They are standing close to each other deep in chatty banter, the AAU team, morven, fletch, raf and aurther are at a table and essie and sacha at another. The music is loud. Zosia and ollie are chatting together and laughing with each other, when suddenly...

Brigitte rushed through the door searching furiously and in a hurry , she was out of breath and in as bad state as Elliott when he arrived. Her hair was in a messy knot and she was wearing army coloured clothes . Zosia and Ollie mouths were open and they wre both focused on Brigitte. Ollie quietly laughed to himself and They smiled to each other and put there drinks on the bar to go and talk to her. she rushed past the hustle of people across the room over to where they were standing, smiling and shocked at her appearance. "Her plane must of been delayed or something" ollie exclaimed in zosias ear, he was about to say something else but she was already in front of them both...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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