Chapter 2

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"Has she come back!" He says quickly amd inbetween breaths. "Who brigitte?" Jac says over Elliott while examining his chest with her stethoscope, "Yes!" He says sternly. "No, why what's happend Elliott?" Ollie says more seriously as he pushes past jac. "She said the ambulance would take her here, to the hospital but the docters there said it hadn't and that she would still be there, lost and I don't know where she is! she could be in danger!" Elliott panted loudly and tried to stand up but jac pushed him back down on the bed "your not going anywhere Elliott".  Ollie and zosia look at each other with a shot of panic and grapped each other's hands tightly before letting go to follow jac. who had rushed to the nurses station. "I'm calling Serina and Hansen" jac  picked up the phone and called the other wards. Ollie put is arm around zosia and squeezed her hip. Elliott noticed and smiled to himself. Jac tells zosia and Ollie that she is not in any of the other wards in the hospital and for them to just look after professor Hope. 

Zosia and Ollie agree. Zosia heads off to her paitents looking over to ollie and Elliott every few seconds. Ollie is standing next to Elliott and gives him a drip as he is dehydrated. "So did you just fly back to England when you heard she could be lost on the trip." Ollie says concentrating on the drip. "Um yes it was a bit um like that um yes, Oliver " he half laughs but it dies quickly. Ollie notices and try's a new conversation but this time focused on professor Hope, "no donuts then" he says laughing. "Ha no" professor hope smiles. Zosia is looking over and smiles at ollie who smiles back calmly, "team oz is going well" he laughs and winks at ollie who smiles and nods "yep, I love her", he looks up at zosia who is bent over her paitent. Elliott coughs sharply and leans back on the bed. Ollie looks back at Elliott "rest for you, professor" before he walks away. 

Zosia is in the staff room again, as she sits down by the table she sighs and takes a sip of her stone cold tea. She leans back and frowns before getting up to make one for her AND OLLIE this time. She hears the door open and close behind her why the kettle boils and two hands softly grab her shoulders. She spins around and Ollie is standing there smiling into her beautiful eyes.


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