Derailed - Chapter two

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Second chapter is up within a day... how good am I? And all thanks to the people who commented and compelled me to write more :) I have decided I'm going to set up another story just for people who want me to read their stories and what I'll do with that is once I have read your story and commented, ect, then I will delete your comment so I know where I have got up to it will be called 'Requests' and I will only do it for so long so get commenting if you know what is good for you ;)

Comment, vote, fan... You know the score

Thanks so much for reading,

-Evie <3


The gnarled, knotted branches of the looming trees hovered over her, closing her in. Darkness swallowed the forest and the moon’s eerie blue glow barely pierced the dense canopy of the trees. The normally quiet air was filled with the huff of breathe and the snapping of twigs. The girl was running from her predator; she couldn’t see him, as she stumbled along the uneven ground, but she could sense him and she could feel him laughing at his triumph, laughing at her trying to escape from an inevitable fate.

Her arms were stretched out as to feel her way around and her shallow breathing started to make her dizzy. Tears coated her cheeks and she feared for her life as her running came to an abrupt stop, open land spread out around her and she knew he'd see her in the dim moonlight.

She spun around when she felt the air behind her stir, her back and palms were pressed tightly against the bark of an ancient oak as she gazed at the pale man before her. She couldn't help but stare at him in awe, he was truly flawless.

“Come here,” he spoke to her like a voice in her head, invading her thoughts, still smug in his capture.

The girl dug her nails into the bark of the tree to try to distract her from listening to him. She shook her head as he teasingly approached her; she clamped her eyes shut so she couldn’t see him. She was disgusted in herself from thinking he was beautiful.

“Look at me!” He demanded in her mind again.

But she refused to; even his icy fingertips on her neck didn't make her to look at him. She felt something soft and wet brush against her neck; he was tasting her, she felt repulsed, but before she could fight back a sharp pain caused her to go limp as he drained her of life and saved himself from the rising sun.

The pain was unbearable, it felt like daggers were racing through her veins and freezing her blood as they went, she was so cold that she thought she was dead but compared to the pain she was in she would have taken death hand in hand and been grateful. However after realising that there was nothing she could do but let it happen and embrace the ugly side of nature she reluctantly started to almost felt pity for the man that feeding from her and in a strange way she wished she had just let him from at the start, even though she knew the chase was half of the fun for him. Quietly as to not distract himself from his feeding the hunter chuckled...

'Stupid girl.' He said to me in his mind again

"Poppy!"  Someone shouted from behind me, I looked behind me to see nothing but the forest. 

"Poppy wake up!" They shouted again, I looked around and again saw nothing; maybe I was just going insane in my last few moments alive I thought. Wait... it wasn't me that was dying was it?.

"Poppy, sweetheart you are dreaming wake up," another voice soothed from above me, I looked up as the moon started moving closer towards me, I was startled and I pondered the un-likeliness as the light engulfed me and I returned to reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2012 ⏰

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