I saw him running, I saw her watching

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(Hello everyone part 3? I believe I'm loosing track....Yeah that's sad. Anyway Hope you enjoy Byeee)

Just keep running....go across the border. 

Guards! Shit I need to hide.

I darted towards a bush, it wasn't the best hiding spot but I needed to hide. I waited for the guard to walk away then I crossed the border. I felt cold snowflakes touch my cheeks. This felt weird, it felt wrong, yet it felt so right.....

I saw a girl walking around. Its her! "Psst!" I said she looked in my direction and gasped. She didn't mover "Come here!" I shouted softly she still didn't move. she didn't look at me she was looking past me. I turned around and saw nothing but rain on the other side of the border. 

"It's Rain! I haven't seen rain  like this before." She said walking over. I moved my body over the border ans looked at the ground. I frowned "The flowers are being destroyed......stupid rain. " I muttered. The girl looked at me "H-Hello..." She said 

I looked up and stared at her. She was pale, her hair a dark charcoal black. She wore boots a scarf a coat and jeans. "I'm Taylor." She said. I nodded softly, "I'm R-" my words were cut short 

"Hey You! Get back here! You shouldn't be on the warmling side of the border! " The guard shouted. I didn't realize he was speaking to me. "Hey kid! get back on your side now! " He growled. The man pushed me over to the cold side. "Leave now the both of you." 

"But -"

"No excuses leave now. " 

I looked at the girl water dripped from my hair, the flower crown on my head sagged.  "S-Sir...." I said quietly. He huffed softly and walked away. I shivered softly "I-I c-can't be here..." I said. The girl frowned and shook her head. 

"You can't leave now....He's watching." She said, she looked at me with concern in her eyes. I kept shivering "T-The k-king..." he shivered "I-I have t-too see him." I said. She looked at me in shock.

"You'll be killed if he finds out you don't belong here!" 

I shook my head "I-It's not m-my fault." I said and then started running. she stood there watching.


I watched him run, he would freeze up before he got there. I watched him run away. Follow him...he will freeze....go after him! I ran after him. His footsteps were shown in the snow. As I followed the footsteps I approached him. He laid on the snowy floor freezing to death. 

I looked around. I didn't see any sign of living near me. I had to help him on my own.....

(Okeyyyy here is the 3rd chapter....wow it seems a bit short...Oh well hope you enjoy <3 )

I Saw Her Standing There.....But Our Love Was Forbiddenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن