Possession of the Alpha (Moving....Again)

Start from the beginning

"Oh it's going in the box anyway,I cannot wait to see you in this" I teased,her face became white with shame and she then smirked at me. I knew where this was going... And I liked it allot.

"You really wanna see me in that?" She asked sarcastically,raising her right eyebrow and placing her hand on her hip. I pulled a face then bobbed my head from side to side.

"Or without it,I'm really not that bothered" I licked my bottom lip and saw as her eyes followed my tongue. She shook her head then grimaced.

"Ugh your disgusting" she snickers then hits my arm playfully ad finally grabs the thong from me and dumps it in the box. "You! Stop playing with my underwear" she orders pointing at me then turning around to continue boxing up the rest of her things.

Another hour after that we were done,all her clothes and any other things she wanted to bring were packed up in the boxes. We began taking them down the stairs and putting them in the trunk and backseat of my car. They all fit in....well just about. She quickly wrote her mom a note and stuck it on the mirror in the hall so her mom would know she had already gone to the pack house. She had also mentioned about her skipping school and that she was really really sorry and she could punish her as she see fit. I laughed at that bit,she seriously was a goody 2 shoes. We locked the door then headed over to the car,and buckled up. I turned to her and took her hand in mine,causing her to turn to me with bright eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful,Hazel just like her name.

"Ready" I ask smiling she nods at me.

"Ready" she echoes

With that I turn towards the wheel and start it up. I'm not usually the sappy type but I was really excited about hazel moving into the pack house. I can't even describe how I felt about her,she was just so loving,quirky,kind and so many other loveable qualitys. I couldn't wait till half term break,it was pretty close as Hazel had joined the school halfway through the semester. The idea of spending a whole week with Hazel undisturbed by school really excited me.

Hazels P.O.V

We had been driving for god knows how long,I know it sounds weird but I was distracted by Joshua. All he was doing was driving but he was just so gorgeous. His green eyes sparkling every now and then as he began singing along to Bruno Mars Treasure. I was really so lucky to have found my mate so early in life,you can find your mate from the age of 16 and my mom didn't find hers until she was 25. So I was seriously lucky and he was hot! So that was a bonus,he was also funny,kind and I know he doesn't like to show it but I could see he was actually quite sensitive. I shook my head as I realised we were outside the pack house. Joshua smiled then unbuckled his belt and ran round the back of the car to grab some boxes. I came out and did the same and we made our way to the lift. Thankfully I didn't have to make anymore trips as josh had asked some other pack members to help,we were done in that one trip. The pack members left,leaving me and josh alone in his I mean our room.

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and looked over to me nervously.

"If its too soon,you can move into the room opposite mine and then move in here when your ready" I could see in his eyes he wanted me in with him an honestly I also wanted to be in with him. I shook my head smiling "no I'm good in here" he smiled widely and walked closer to me,he wrapped me in his arms and I felt the tingles rushing across wherever he touched. I went on my tiptoes and planted my lips on his. I didn't seeped the kiss and neither did he, we were happy with just being near each other. I sighed then turned towards the boxes "right lets get unpacking" I say lifting a box onto the bed and opening it. He nods and points to a white wardrobe next to a black one. "That's your wardrobe" he says,I jump a little "I get my own wardrobe?" I squeel making him pull a face. I laugh and we start unpacking.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now