You looked to the corner to see some sort of odd-looking camera trained on you. You stood up on shaky legs, and when you took a couple steps to the left, the camera followed you. When you did the same to the right, the camera followed you again. That meant no successful escape attempts from you.

You heard heavy footsteps approaching, and when the metal door loudly unlocked and swung forward violently, you jumped backwards and pressed you back against the wall, as far away from your kidnappers as you could. You quickly recalled negotiation tactics and other speaking ideas that could potentially save your life.

You swallowed when you saw that your captives weren't human-looking at all. The one closest to you, who you figured to be the leader by his authoritative look, was a little shorter than you were and very stocky. He had brownish skin, clown-red cropped hair, ridges on his nose, and large blue eyes. Behind him were several others that looked kind of like him to varying degrees. They were speaking in a language you couldn't understand. It was rough, and unlike anything you'd ever heard before.

He opened the door, using a scanner-thing, and you were ready to fight back, but the alien grabbed you painfully by your hair and clipped something onto the back of your ear. It happened so quick that you didn't get to see what it was. There was an electric whirring and some pain. The alien guy took your temporary distraction as an opportunity to leave and lock the door again.

To your surprise, he spoke and you understood him this time, though his voice was still grating. "Would ya' look at that now boys!"

"Yer' a pretty little thing, ain't ya?" One of the others said, reaching through the bars of the cage, reaching his clawed three-fingered hand to you as though you were a dog. With a surge of courage (and some curiosity) you jumped forward, startling the group and sending them back a bit. You realized that they were more scared of you than you were of them. They started laughing, but you didn't.

"We'll come back later, when it's warmed up to us." The leader said, laughing lecherously with a hint of nervousness. On the way out, he ran his claws along each of the cage bars, and you had to suppress a shiver, stepping back some. "The client won't mind it arriving with a few bruises and scratches, eh?" They all laughed once again.

When they were finally gone, you sunk to the ground, your knees drawn up to your chest. You breathed out a shuddering sigh. What would you do? Your mind began to wonder about the 'client', and how maybe you were gonna be sold as a sex slave or something.

You felt tears well in your eyes, but you wouldn't let yourself cry. Not here, not now. If you wanted to survive, you'd have to be a lot braver than that. You took deep breaths and fingered the seemingly embedded translator device in your ear. You didn't know it, but it was standard procedure for all beings to get a universal translator, as proclaimed by the Nova Conventions.

Meanwhile, aboard the ship Milano, Rocket leaned out of his seat to investigate a flashing light coming from the dashboard. It was an alert signal that lit up when a ship was coming within close range of the Milano.

He looked at the ship's ID and smirked wickedly. "Would you look at that, Groot. It's The Weian Hawk." The tiny potted Groot, no bigger than a stick, blinked at him contentedly.

Rocket slapped the dashboard happily before running down the stairs and through the hall to notify the head asshole of the Milano about the incoming ship and why it was so important.

Rocket headed towards Quill's new bedroom. Peter had originally slept on a small bunk below the cabin, but when the rest of the crew jumped on board, his bunk, and the bunk on the opposite wall, went to them. Peter got his own small room, and Rocket resigned to throwing together a bed for himself in some drawer. Rocket still very much disliked Peter for getting his own room and bathroom.

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