Glenn Maxwell

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I step onto the plane, my hefty bag weighing down every step. The loss just makes it harder to bear. I slump into my seat, exhausted. I pull off my Australian cap, and pack it in my bag. I know that we lost because of my inconsistent batting, yet again.

"Hey Maxi." George sits next to me, obviously disappointed. I crack a smile, it seems to cheer people up.

"You know, it wasn't your fault. The loss, I mean. Not many people can keep up a strike rate of 300." He reasons with me.

"Thanks mate, but I'm good. I know I lost it, and I've got to take it. Although, as Steve says, you can't pin it on one person. A team wins together, and loses together. Anyway, what's stopping us from having a party tonight?" I smile

"Glenn, um, we did just lose. You don't usually celebrate a loss." chuckles George. His eyes glint as he smiles, and he just kind of radiates happiness. I smile at him, and turn to the window.

"Have a rest George." I tell him.

"Yes, sir." He jokes. He seems happy.

The plane flies into a cloud, and I lose sight of the ocean. We're heading south, back towards Australia. London was absolutely amazing. Especially the accents. I think Australian accents sound like a slowed version of an English accent. Perhaps it's the heat.

As soon as the plane touches down, I am anxious to leave. I search through the crowd for George, and see him laughing with Steve. I feel something that resembles jealousy, but I brush it away, and walk away to my car.

The drive home feels even longer than the plane ride. I listen to the radio, but all it's talking about is our devastating loss. Holding the hopes of so many people is such a responsibility. When I pull into my driveway, it's already 3:00 am. I dump my shoes next to my door, and walk upstairs to my bedroom. My large bed is missing something. It's missing someone. I push the thought away as soon as it enters my mind. As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm asleep. 


okay I know this is a super super short chapter but it's kind of an intro and setting up everything and I haven't updated in what feels like years (so sorry about that). Thanks to everyone that's been leaving comments, it means so much. It keeps me motivated. I'll be updating this story soon, don't worry!! - amy

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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Stay - Glenn Maxwell + George BaileyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora