Chapter 6

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A/N: Next chapter. XD

Also, thank you guys sooooooo much for actually reading!!

*huge virtual hug*

You guys are the best!!

I hope you like the story so far!

Chapter  6:


Nikila sighed, "No, Shans. Absolutely not."

"But," The younger sister stomped around, "Why not!?"

"There's no point. Now don't whine."

"I'm not whining!!" Shantyl whined with a pout.

Niki and her Treecko rolled their eyes.

Shan pouted again collecting her Mudkip, "Okay."

Niki gave her a smile, "Good girl."

"Um," Shan held Mudkip in her arms as the girls descended using the stairs to get to the lobby that was undergoing a major clean up.

Niki glanced over at her, "What?"

"Please?" Shantyl gave her the most adorable smile she could muster.

Niki sighed before finally giving in.

Shantyl had been asking her all morning. A few minutes before the training they'd planned wouldn't hurt them though.


"Yes!!" Shan almost tripped over some cleaning supplies.

"Careful!" Niki yelled but Shantyl only smiled, as she navigated her way through the lobby trying to find Nurse Joy.

Niki only smiled as she watched her younger sibling begin to skip along.

The night before, after the Special Inspectors had left, Niki and Shantyl had caught up with Nurse Joy to ask her what had happened.

The lady had said that the Special Inspectors had been dispatched with special missions of tracking down groups who had taken to immerging recently with mysterious goals in mind.

Pramila and Sheela Law had been sent to bring down and take into custody and of the groups that were being kept an eye on by the Pokemon Law authorities.

The Nurse had been worried that the fight had been between two random trainors but had seen some of the identification traits the Inspectors had asked her to look out for.

After the tiny chat, Nurse Joy had also mentioned that she would have to call up the gym leader and inform him to stay alert and careful.

Niki and Shan had only watched as Nurse Joy had worried over the poor man.

The guy had been rumoured to have entered town only that evening and begun getting his gym ready to accept Pokemon battles and challenges.

This was not the best way to say 'Welcome'.

Niki blinked up then as Shantyl yelled over at her in impatience.

"Hurry, Niki!" She cheered, "We need directions from Nurse Joy."

Niki nodded quickly slipping into taking charge of the job at hand, "Right. Or we could just check the map."

"You could check the map," Shan corrected her sister.

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