Heartbeat, Heartbeat

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Cast of Characters

Mio Kobayashi, a magical women/college student who doubles as Magical Thief Mio.

Hinata Jones, a half-Japanese, half-Black college student who lives a pretty normal life with her magical girlfriend.


Mio knew that she should have pulled her heist at night, but her client had demanded to have his treasured painting back, so she answered the call of Justice like any magical girl would have, and leapt into action, zipping across the skies from her college campus to steal back a painting.

She'd received the job overthe net, an ask on her blog Ask A ThiefFor Hire. She'd been in the business since she was young: most magicalgirls –women, in her case – hadbeen, using their powers for more realistic good now, letting starry eyedyouths tackle the bakemono and otherworldly beasties while she dealt with thecity. When the ask had come in, she eagerly accepted: freelancing through theRent-a-Mahou Bureau meant scrounging up your own jobs, and if they came with a400 character cap, she'd take them as long as they weren't shady    

It was easy getting into the Ito Mansion on the city's north side: she snuck in the third floor, bypassing the staff and snatched the painting, wrapping it in a sheet before creeping out, just like the private message has said she'd be able to do. What was hard, though, and completely  unmentioned,  were the trio of maids –battle maids in prim, black and white uniforms at that, which were so hokey Mio could gag on the trope– chasing her, bounding a single rooftop behind her, loafers slapping on the ground.

"Girls, I really hate to do this, but I need to be home soon, and my client really wants this painting, so I'd like you to just let it go!" Mio called over her shoulder. A dagger whistled by in answer, cutting a small lock of her bright pink hair. Mio scowled and turned back, fingering the shorn lock, and sighed. "Okay, so clearly, we're going to have to fight."

Mio whistled and held out her hand before her, a wand appearing in her grasp. She turned and stopped, loosing a blast of pink magic at her attackers. They separated, all three leaping off into different directions, and she sighed. "Can't the bad guys just cooperate?" she asked, but she knew better: it was their job to be difficult.

The maids all landed at the same time in a triangular fashion, flanking a green haired maid. She held up her skirt, bobbing a curtsy, and smirked. "We are Maiden Heaven! I see we're to face one another in battle, Magical Thief Mio. Are you-"

"Can we skip this? I'm already late," Mio stated.

"Rude much?" Midori shot back, quirking a green brow.

"Come on Midori, I don't have the time. Let's just fight and get it over with," Mio asked. "Please?"

"Fine, but you owe me," Midori replied.

"Coffee on Monday?"

"Extra whipped cream with a pastry, and I'm talking the expensive kind too. For all of us."

"Fine," Mio replied. Midori hitched her chin and the two maids next to her sprang into action, each tossing a dagger aimed at Mio, flung quick with magic. It left her only a moment to react, and she had to force her magic into a shield, deflecting the first blade, the second sticking in her shield.

More daggers came at her, spurred on by magic, and one caught Mio nearly in the cheek, deflected last minute by a blast of magic. She "Guys, you really have to avoid my face: I can't get in trouble tonight!"

Heartbeat, Heartbeat (Valentine's Day 2k16)Where stories live. Discover now