Words to Describe Someone's Voice

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1. adenoidal- some of the sound seems to come through their nose

2.  appealing- shows that you want help, approval, or agreement

3. breathy- with loud breathing noises

4. brittle- sounds as though you are about to cry

5. croaky- a low, rough voice that sounds like they have a sore throat

6. dead- feel or show no emotion

7. disembodied- comes from someone you can't see

8. flat- does not go up and down

9. fruity- deep and strong in a pleasant way

10. grating- unpleasant and annoying

11. gravelly- low and rough

12. guttural- deep and made at the back of your throat

13. high-pitched- very high

14. hoarse- low, rough voice, usually because throat is sore

15. honeyed- sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking

16. husky- deep and hoarse, often in an attractive way

17. low- quiet and difficult to hear; deep and with a long wavelength

18. modulated- controlled and pleasant to listen to

19. monotonous- boring and unpleasant; does not change in loudness or become higher or lower 

20. nasal- as if speaking through their nose

21. orotund- loud and clear

22. penetrating- so high or loud that it makes you uncomfortable

23. raucous- loud and rough

24. ringing- very loud and clear

25. rough- not soft and unpleasant to listen to

26. shrill- very high, loud, and unpleasant

27. silvery- clear, light, and pleasant

28. singsong- rises and falls in a musical way

29. small- quiet

30. smoky- sexually attractive in a slightly mysterious way

31. soft-spoken- quiet and gentle

32. stentorian- very loud and strict

33. strident- loud and unpleasant

34. taut- nervous or angry

35. thick- unclear due to emotion

36. thickly- low voice that mostly comes from your throat

37. thin- high and unpleasant

38. throaty- seems to come from deep in your throat

39. tight- nervous or annoyed

40. toneless- does not express any emotion

41. tremulous- unsteady, possibly due to fear or excitement

42. wheezy- having difficulty breathing

43. wobbly- goes up and down because you are afraid, not confident, or are about to cry

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