Tips for Writer's Block

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Make your story take a totally unexpected and ridiculous twist. It may not work as part of your actual plot, but a sudden plot twist such as a fire or an earthquake or even an alien invasion helps your mind use more creativity, helping your writing flow out more easily.

Write a couple of one-shots about pairings or topics that interest you. Let out all your ideas onto a one-shot to free all those ideas caught up in your mind.

Lay down, close your eyes, and imagine your story. Maybe listen to some soft music, and let your mind take over from then on, from the point in which you left of.

Use an online prompt generator to help give you ideas, inspire yourself on the prompts and perhaps give each a little twist. Use this one if you like.

Go outside, look for other places to sit in to write than just your desk. Going outside or simply changing your surroundings gives your mind a change of perspective, easily giving it also a change of perspective when it comes to your writing.

Write. Simply write. Keep writing words and words that make no sense on to the document, don't let yourself stop for at least 1 minute. Write the first things that come to mind and then read through it. Who knows, you might get good ideas from it.

Watch a movie. Movies loosen up your imagination and may give you new sources of inspiration. It can be any movie: sad, funny, romantic, scary. Any movie at all, watch it and let your writing go free.

Take a shower or a bath, let your mind fly away while you stand under the hot water. The more relaxed you are, the more likely your mind is to relax and think away plot details and character personalities.

Switch your medium. If you normally type, take out an old notebook and start handwriting your story instead. If you normally hand write, pull out a blank word document and continue your story. A change of feel for both your hand, your body, and your mind might just help you get those ideas flowing.

Don't criticize yourself. Don't re-read an excerpt until it is time to edit it. We tend to get writer's block because we feel our writing is not good enough, and we end up racking our minds for ways to make it better. Don't, it'll just make you more stressed and harder for you to write. Turn the critic brain off and just do as you like, editing comes later after all.

Work on several projects at a time. Some writers find it better to work on two things at a time as there is more of a chance you'll at least be able to write for one of your projects. Also, ideas from one of your projects may help influence ideas for the other.

Look up some writing exercises. Correct sentences, write from a basic prompt, or simply practice your cursive. Just get some words on the paper, cause eventually some of it is bound to be good writing or inspiration material.

Remember why you're writing. Thinking back to why you started writing your story/fanfiction may help you remember that you're doing this because it's what you love to do, or a pairing that you love to ship. This will end up giving you a positive feeling about your writing and make you look at your writing with a more positive view, rather than a view branching from stress.

Take breaks every certain amount of time. Get writing what you can, even if 'what you can' is merely 2 sentences every 10 minutes. These breaks will give your brain some release and an opportunity to freshen up and get ready to go back to work.

Get away from writing for a whole weekend, give yourself a whole 2 or 3 days free from writing to let your brain flowing with new ideas. If you have a new idea, jot it down in a notebook and put it away but do not under any circumstances sit down and write. This is your break, a chance to re-encounter your writing inspiration.

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