Jokes and Pain

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Sebastian's POV:

Ciel's eyes are a deep purple-blue, the Undertaker's are the most pure green and my own are crimson red, a malevolent blood shade red. Somehow Lady Adelaide has inherited the eyes of each of us. A startling and magnificent combination but also very curious. I had many questions as the Undertaker shrank back from my gaze but the only one that really counted for anything at the moment was, "Why?" Just when I was starting to make some headway into the whole "Revenge" mission for the young master.

"Ahem," was the Undertaker's choice of interruption, "Since there is obviously no danger involved at this exact moment would you mind terribly if I sat myself down?"

"There are things that I would find more unpleasant."

Normal POV:

Watching the Undertaker fold in on himself to take his seat Sebastian found himself in a kind of jealous state. He knew that the young Lady Adelaide would never choose the Reaper or the Earl but he still had a bit of uneasiness pitted in the depths of his stomach. Killing the Undertaker would be one way to ensure the Lady wouldn't fall for him but then he would have to kill the young master. That he couldn't do. No matter what. So that left out killing, and besides he didn't really understand how the link would work, killing one might kill or seriously injure the others. As much as Sebastian wanted the beautiful maiden he did not want to end up dead by his own folly.

The warm springtime sun was just stating to peak over the towering pines in the horizon. Now both the seething demon and the ex-reaper were sat down next to each other in what could be described as a competitive silence. The eyes Sebastian couldn't see under the silver mane on the Undertaker never stopped looking at the butler. "This girl must be one extreme beauty to have ensnared the great Sebastian so easily." Was the Undertaker's most prominent thought. Reaching his hand into his coat the Reaper pulled out a flask, "Care for a drink?"

Only to be answered in a quiet muttering that was most unusual for the demon next to him.

"Now quit your non-amusing gibberish and take some, it's only milk."

Without any more words they passed the warmed milk till the flask was empty. Sebastian handed the empty jug back to the silver haired Undertaker and abruptly stood up.

"Now if you'll please excuse me I must wake the master and check on the young Lady."

"No need to excuse yourself, I'm coming with you at least to check on this fair maiden who has got you so firmly in her net."

After waking, dressing and feeding the Young Master all three men went to the room that housed Adelaide over the night. Sebastian went right up to the bed without a noise and softly placed his hand on her forehead sliding his hand over, moving her hair away from her sleeping face. Of the others Ciel stood at the foot of the bed and just watched her and Sebastian carefully. The Undertaker was most uncharastically quiet in the corner. The clouded sun was rising slowly and the light was wafting in through the open windows. There were only so many words that could explain the atmosphere and to try and list them would be difficult. To say the least, it was very tense.

"Honestly, if she were dead I could say she was the loveliest corpse I have ever been in the same room as," the Undertaker said causing Ciel to jump minutely as he had just appeared near him at the end of the bed.

"How do you do that!"

"Never mind that she's waking up."

Sebastian knew that already as he was right next to her and slowly moved his hand away from her cheek. Her raven locks fell back to in front of her eye and the chilled sunlight filtered in finding her face. Oblivious to the others in the room her arm snaked out from under the blanket pulling it up over her face as she turned away from the new light. A great long sigh followed soon and the quilt was thrown off by a bandaged arm.

"Mom, I've told you that I use an alarm clock for a reason. So please no more sun-lit wake up calls," Adelaide muttered while brushing the sleep out of her eyes.

With her eyes still closed she went to push herself up only to find the pressure of weight on her arm to be to painful. The rude awakening mixed with the pain from her burns all came out in one simple, but very unlady-like four letter word. The Undertaker of course giggled at that, causing the young lady to open her eyes. She knew at once a few different things. The first was obvious, this was not her room. Second, there was three men in whoevers room it was. The last was more along the lines of, "I knew I wasn't dreaming."

"What... How?"

Sebastian took the initiative to move closer.

"I'm glad to see you awake Madame Adelaide. We've been most anxiously awaiting your recovery."

Shock and confusion was wrote on her face but was soon replaced by a thin smile and a simple remark, " I guess I'm not going to Math class tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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