Coming and Going

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I do not own Black Butler....

Shortly after waking in the carriage the girl named Adelaide passed out once again. Pitching forward from a spasm of pain, she fell off the seat and landed unconsciously on Sebastian's chest. Wrapping her gently in his arms he laid her back up on the seat and instructed Ciel to not let her fall off on during the rest of the way to the town.

After placing the door back into its original place Sebastian moved to the front. In his enraged and brooding state he snapped the reins. He could not find in his vault of memories anything to explain her eyes. The only things that could explain that would be if she turned into a demon, and that would have been fairly obvious if it had happened. Shaking his head to better focus on driving the demon noticed that he could see the town just outside of the little forest they were currently driving through.

"Young Master, We are almost there," Sebastian announced then adding silently, "Don't worry little Beauty I'll fix what ails and mars you soon."

Inside the carriage Ciel was once again in the awkward position with the young maiden's, no Adelaide's, breath hitting his stomach. He was trying to the end of his wits to not think about That so instead he thought of reasons why his arm was pained when there was no injury to that area. The answer was most difficult and would require that he sit at his Chess board to shift his mind to logical thinking instead of the state of mind he was currently in. Looking down at the girl he noticed that her shoulders were shaking, carefully slipping off his jacket he laid it across the iced form in his lap. Her skin where it was not burnered red was pristine not a mark to be seen by the Young Earl's eyes. Moving his thumb slowly over her burns he realized that she would have a mark, a very large mark. Moving her hair from her pinched face he noticed three things he hadn't before. One was that she wore no make-up, two, that there was a small burn under her right ear, and the other was more alarming, she had drooled on the front of his pants.

"Thank goodness we are almost there I don't know how much more of this indignity I can handle!"

The sun was just hitting the horizon when Sebastian pulled up to the town's most traveled road. A towns Inn is always on the main road so following his senses, and the reek of beer, he was able to find it in no time. Pulling to a stop he jumped down and paid the stable boy to direct him where to leave his carriage and to take his horses for stabling. Opening the door he found what would have been cute if he wasn't so possessive over Lady Adelaide. Both of the youths were sound asleep and Ciel was holding her close to him, even in his sleep. Sebastian found his eyes turning red but quickly quelled them when he realized that he had instructed his Young Master not to let her fall off. Sighing he set to moving everything and everyone into the room he had procured.

Managing to charm the Innkeepers wife into finding some bandages and aloe paste for him he set off to find and pacify all inflamed areas on his new mistress's body. To be able to get the marks across her abdomen and lower chest he had to cut away her shirt, thankfully she was wearing undergarments. Spreading the balm slowly he heard her breath change into short quick breaths and her muscles tightens in obvious pain. He kept going and soon he had all burns covered in the aloe and then in bandaging. Stroking her hair that he found her dark waves to be his new favorite thing, usurping the cats that previously held the title. Her breathing evened out but her muscles hadn't eased. Leaving her Sebastian found a spare nightshirt for her and swiftly dressed her. He had too found the small burn under her ear but it was old and healed, storing that in his vaults to ask about later he went to check on his master.

The roof is where he found himself after confirming that all was well in the young Earls room. The stars were out and for the first time in this contract the demon butler allowed his mind to wander. He was so lost in his rumination that he did not notice the figure moving stealthily across the adjoining rooftops. This was made even more amazing as the hair streaming behind the fleet shadow was bright as starlight itself and was not obscured by any darkness. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he noticed the demonic butler alone on the roof.

The Reaper decided to take the risk and moved up ever so slowly to stand just behind the brooding servant.

"I see the Young Master has insulted you to the point of moping about."

Sebastian found himself startled and in an instant was up with a array of cutlery at the intruders throat. All implements were sharpened immaculately and extended expertly following the curve around the other mans neck. Looking across at each other the Immortals found themselves at a rather unprecedented impasse. One wanted to move and find some way to get a joke out of the butler while the butler was finding himself wanting to end the Ex-Reaper for simply managing to surprise him.

Sebastian was the first to move, smirking he spoke, "Even a Reaper as yourself should know better than to interrupt a demon in remuneration."

"Now, Now that's not very funny. You were the one in my way on my evening walk, you should apologize with a joke."

The surprise faded and was crept up on by curiosity, much to Sebastians chargin. Curiosity killed the cat after all.

Lowering his utensils and fitting them back in there proper places in his new coat the Demon countered, "But dear Undertaker you would not be caught dead out of your parlor without your precious hat now would you. Which leaves the question what are you really doing so far from your lovely coffins?"

"Why you don't know do you. Someone seems to have called for me to save them, possibly just to take their soul in the nice old fashioned way. Even I have to admit though I haven't taken a job in centuries, William should leave me alone," Staring pointedly at Sebastian while letting his hair fall away from one of his eyes, "He can't tell a joke to save his life not where you are concerned I could live a whole human lifetime on one of your jokes."

Sebastian was starting to get peeved with all the things he was "Noticing" first around Adelaide and now he was regarding the Undertaker with an uneasy sense of well practiced caution. Normal uneasy sense wouldn't even begin to cover the shadowed snake now crawling up and down the emotionless demon's spine.

"It's nice to know you regard my jokes in such a high manor," what was he missing, "I might just have some jokes for you the next time the Young Master and I come to pay you a visit," The missing hat had to be something if not miraculous, "Or not, unless you tell me exactly what you are actually doing here," Something about his eyes was drawing the demons attention. Narrowing his red eyes caused the Reaper before him to quiver in fear not that the Undertaker would ever show it. That was it normally the ex-Reapers eyes were a pure solid green but now were ringing in small almost invisible bursts of crimson and a deep blue-purple. All types of theories formed in a single moment causing Sebastian to involuntarily voice, "Will I have to fight one of every race to have MY mate." A thread of fate looped through all openings and pulled them all in a singular direction strait to the unconscious mind of the Lady Adelaide.

Adelaide and the Butlerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن