One of Thousands

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After getting back to the Bounty from visiting Sensei Yang's temple, the others went straight to practicing airjitzu. Cole had asked to be alone, and thankfully the others respected that. He didn't want to talk. In fact, he didn't want to do anything except lay on his bed for the rest of forever.

Cole felt vulnerable and hollow, almost like he didn't exist anymore. He held a pale green, transparent hand in front of his face, wishing it to turn solid again. Instead he continued to feel the air pass through his body, like he didn't really exist.

"Most people have this reaction to turning into a ghost." The voice was a woman's, cold and emotionless.

Cole sat up and looked around, tense. "Who's there?"

"I'm not here, and I'm not a who, either. But you may call me The Preeminent." Once again, not an ounce of emotion was in her voice.

Cole stood up. "How are you speaking to me?"

The answer almost sounded rehearsed. "Since you are a ghost, you are mine, permanently connected to me."

"Ok then, go away." Cole said.

"I won't. You could become very useful."

Cole folded his arms. "Well then you're about to be disappointed, because I'm not going to help you."

"Have you ever heard of a good ghost?"

He thought about it. "No, I... I guess not."

"You are mine now. I can make you do whatever I need."

Cole remembered previous times he had been controlled, Skales looking into his eyes, The Overlord's dark matter descending upon him. He slid down to the floor and started shaking. "No, please no. Don't do this to me."

"I give all ghosts the option to do what I say of their own free will. The ones who do receive blessings and higher ranks in my armies."

"So I either do what you say, or you force me to do it? That's not fair!" Cole could already tell he wouldn't be able to fight her possession. She was too strong.

"Curses are never fair. Your first mission is to kill everyone else aboard this ship. Make your decision."

Cole squeezed his eyes shut. No matter what, he would have to fight his friends. It was just a matter of if he would keep existing while doing it, in a sense.

He thought the Preeminent had left to let him think, but then she started talking again. "The others are scared of you. You've always wanted to blend in, but now you're permanently separated. What will your father say? What look will people give you on the streets?"

Cole curled up and covered his ears. The preeminent was voicing what had already gone through his head a thousand times. He couldn't help but agree with her.

Despite plugging his ears, the Preeminent's voice seemed to get louder. "You used to be the strength everyone looked up to. Your power was your greatest pride. Where are you now? A single drop of water, and you're gone. Your friends will have to protect you. You've become a burden."

"Stop it! Go away!" Cole yelled.

"I'm working to bring about a world where you'll fit in. Everyone will be like you. Join me, and I'll make sure you're happy. All of your problems will cease to exist."

Cole tried to ignore her, but he was hooked on her words. Just the thought of his problems going away made him start to relax. No more problems...

The door to his room creaked open. Nya poked her head through, looking concerned. "Cole? Is something wrong?"

Cole gritted his teeth and stood. "Yes, something is very wrong."

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