Buy You Clothes

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It's been a week and Stiles reaked of Derek. He has been using Derek's close due to he fact he kinda doesn't have any. Stiles' sent alone was wonderful but him wearing Derek's sent literally killed Derek. Stiles smelt so good. Derek cought himself one of the days he was being drawn towards a napping Stiles.

Derek growled low and walked upstairs to his room.

"Focus Derek." He whispered to himself. Derek walked around his room till he got an idea. He ran down the stairs, pulled on his shoes and leather jacket. Derek grabbed his keys and walked over to the still sleeping Stiles on the couch.

"Stiles" Derek shook him. Stiles moaned and rolled over.

"Five more minutes Derk" Stiles slurred. Derek sighed. He then let a low growl escape his throat.

"STILES!" Derek snarled. Stiles shot up, his head darting from side to side looking around.

"What?" Stiles said as his eyes found Derek's. Derek stood and took a step towards the door.

"We're going to buy you some clothes. My sent on you is driving me nuts." Derek said. Stiles turned a light color of pink as he nodded and slipped on some shoes. They walked out to Derek's Camaro and climbed in.

Derek parked the car in the parking lot if Beacon Hills mall. The two got out and walked into one of the enterences. Stiles followed close behind Derek, fearing he might get lost in this new place. They walked into Target and over to the men's section.

"Pick out some clothes" Derek said pointing over to some racks. Stiles cautiously nodded before walking over to a hoodie and sweeter rack. He examined some hoodies before making his disition and handing Derek a red zip up.

Stiles walked over to some jeans pulling out three pairs. A dark blue, a lighter blue and black. He gave them to Derek the picked out three t-shirts. One fully black, a dark blue with a red, white and lighter blue target in the middle of the chest along with a normal white one.

Before he could hand them to Derek, Derek placed the pile of clothes in Stiles arms a pushed him over to the changing rooms.

"How about you try these on first" Derek scuffed. Stiles nodded before prancing over to one of the empty rooms and locking the door.

Stiles pulled off Derek's hoodie and pulled the red one on. It fit perfectly, just slightly baggy and just right for Stiles' comfort.

After trying on all the clothes Stiles walked back out and put back the black jeans. Derek looked at Stiles.

"So the rest of these all fit?" Derek asked. Stiles smiled at him and nodded. Derek sighed as they walked to check out.

Paying for the clothes, Derek and Stiles walked out of Target and over to Hot Topic. Stiles grabbed the red convers off display and showed them to Derek. He sighed and nodded. Stiles smiled bright as he grabbed one last thing. A fluffy stuffed black wolf. Derek bought Stiles those two thing and they left the mall.

Stiles and Derek drove back to the Hale house. Stiles cuddling the stuffed wolf close when he got an idea, Stiles smiled bright as he pulled off Derek's hoodie. He wrapped the wolf up in it and hugged it close. Derek raised an eyebrow but didn't think anything of it. Stiles got the chills so he reached into the bag infront of him and pulled out his new hoodie. He ripped off the hanging tags and pulled it over his arms.

They pulled up to the house and went in. Derek shrugged off his jacket and laid on the couch exhausted. Stiles changed into his new clothes in the bathroom before walking back down the stairs. He heard Derek softly snoring and chuckled. He grabbed his stuffed wolf, still wrapped in Derek's hoodie, and laid down on the rug in front of the warm fireplace. Stiles sighed softly, smiling small and closing his eyes.

"Good-night mini-Derek"

Mini-Derek!? Aww! So cute! I love it! Stiles has the mind set of like a five year old because of when the scientists took him away. So yeah that's why he had a whole 'mini-Derek stuff black wolf' moment. So cute!

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