Killing Spree

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Chapter Two

(Ben's P.O.V.)

   As we approached a big white home about three stories tall, Jeff said,

"You ready?" as he reached for his knife.

    Embarrassed, I looked at the ground while Jeff broke a window for us to get in. I went into the first bedroom and noticed a girl, about the age of fifteen, in a deep sleep.    
   I put my sword up to her neck and her eyes fluttered open as she smiled brightly, "Thank you she whispered as I slit her throat. That was strange, I thought to myself as I slowly crept across the hallway to the next bedroom. There was a boy, about seventeen, with blonde hair like mine. He looked short like me, too. I walked over to him and put my sword up to his neck. His eyes flew open as he screamed in terror.
   I quickly lifted my sword and brought it down on his neck. I let the warm blood ooze all over my hands. It felt good, and I liked it.

(Jeff's P.O.V.)

I made my way into the master bedroom and saw a couple sleeping. I decided to get the woman first, so I pounced on her, causing a scream. I covered her mouth with my hands and whispered, "Go To Sleep." as I slit her throat and stabbed her stomach twenty times.
   The man had gotten up and was now holding a gun. "D-don't c-come any c-closer," he stuttered. I thought for a moment then, smiling evily, I proudly showed off my cut smile. The man screamed and dropped the gun. I took the opportunity to pounce him and yelled, "GO TO SLEEP!" as I stabbed him in the chest. I carved a smile like mine on both of their faces and burned their eyelids off. "Ahh," I said smiling, "a work of art, JEFF STYLE." I met Ben downstairs.
    "Hello Jeff, I've been expecting you," he said, spinning around in a large chair. I rolled my eyes, we'll attempted to.
   "Come on, the sun is going to be rising soon."

    As we walked out I looked down at Ben. He looked so cute covered in blood. Again, WHAT THE FUCK BRAIN?! I thought. I just can't shake my feelings for him, though. I wonder if he feels the same.

An Unnatural Love Occurrence (Jeff The Killer x Ben Drowned)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt