Chapter Nine

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I rolled out of bed after having a weird dream of me and some guy I have never even seen before having a snowball fight with a bunch of other guys that I have never seen before as well. I rolled out of my bunk and went back to the storage area and grabbed some clothes. I then went into the bathroom and got dressed (outfit above). I then redid my messy ponytail for the time being and walked into the living room area. I made a quick bowl of cereal and ate and then grabbed my camera and phone. Andy was the next one awake, walking in wearing a pair of Batman pajama pants and a black muscle shirt.
"You're up early."
I said as I washed my bowl.
"I always the first one awake, well except today that is."
He said.
I giggled.
"I'm used to being up early because I used to open the photography studio I worked at."
I said.
"Ah, I guess that would explain why you are up early."
He said with a small chuckle.
"Yeah, I'm used to having to be up at an early time. I'm sure I'll get used to sleeping in eventually though."
I said, shrugging.
"Yeah. It takes time to break a routine."
He said.
I said.
I sighed when I started to get another one of my headaches. It was a side effect from the car wreck and amnesia. I went back to my bag and grabbed my headache medicine and shook them from the bottle and swallowed them dry. I then gently rubbed my throbbing temples. I then walked into the living room area. Now Ashley and CC were awake as well. I sighed and sat in the recliner with my eyes closed and my head resting on my knees, waiting for the medicine to kick in. Nobody really messed with me. I sighed and leaned back once the medicine had finally kicked in.
"You feel better?"
Andy asked.
"Yeah. Just sometimes I get migraines from when I had a really bad car accident a few years ago."
I said.
Andy nodded.
"Oh. If you need anything just let us know. Oh and here's your pass. You are free to roam around the grounds today as long as you are back on the bus by I think seven this evening. Oh and the show starts at five and we play the shark stage. Just ask some random person and they'll point you in the direction to it."
Andy said, handing me a landyard with a backstage crew pass on it.
"Thank you. I think I'm going to go walk around a bit and meet some of the other bands, couldn't hurt anything."
I said, shrugging.
Andy said.
"I'm come back at three to get my camera and help you guys get ready for your show."
I said.
"Okay. They have a catering tent around here somewhere as well when you get hungry."
He said.
I said.
I grabbed my skateboard and slid my pass over my head as I walked out. I skateboarded around trying to avoid potholes. I tried to avoid one and bumped shoulders with someone falling off of my skateboard.
"Oh, I'm so sorry love. Are you okay?"
A strong accented voice from above me asked.
I looked up and a guy with dark hair and brownish hazel eyes was holding his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up. I leaned down and examined my busted knees. I went and got a bottled water and sat on the grass and poured the water over it and winced slightly when it stung.
"I'm really sorry."
He said.
"Its okay. This isn't the worst incident I've had on a skateboard. I've been riding since I was five."
I said.
"Is that a hint of a British accent I hear?"
He asked.
"Yeah, I lived in Britain for a good three years. I moved there when I was seventeen."
I said.
"Ah. You might have met my other band members then, they are from England."
He said.
"I don't know. I was in a bad car at accident and lost a good bit of my memory due to some of the brain damage that I received. Sorry."
I said.
"Thats okay. Do you want to come meet them? Maybe it will help you remember something if you know them. By the way, my name is Denis, Denis Stoff."
"Jacey McCardy. I'm the new photographer for Black Veil Brides."
I said.
He smiled.
"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm sure the guys will be glad to meet you as well. They are good guys to be honest. They are just a little obnoxious sometimes especially Ben."
He said.
I giggled.
"Yeah, my friend Bex is like that. She is really hyper, but I love her to death. She was kind of the first person to take me in with open arms after my car accident and my mom of course."
I said.
"What about your dad?"
He asked.
"I don't know. He left when I was in high school. I don't remember why he left and my mom doesn't like to talk about it. She said it is part of the past that she hopes I don't remember."
I said.
He opened the door to a bus with a huge AA on the side. I walked inside and was immediately surrounded by the sounds of British voices. They looked up when they heard the sound of mine and Denis's footsteps on the floor. The one with messy curly hair looked at me with wide eyes.
He said.
  I looked at him, my borrows burrowing in confusion.
    "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
I asked.
  He bit his lip and his face fell.
    "I'm Ben. Remember? I'm one of your best friends."
He said.
    "I'm sorry. You must have been one of my friends before my car accident. You see, I have some amnesia from a car accident that I had."
I said.
  He jumped up.
    "Hold on a second. I have something that may can help boost your memory."
He said.
  He ran back to the bunk area. You could hear him rummaging through the stuff in the back area looking for something. He came back a few minutes later with a scrapbook in his hands. He sat on the couch and patted the spot beside him. He opened the book and it was a picture of me surrounded by the boys they were much younger and there was a black haired one as well. He turned a few pages. I gasped and held his arm. It was a picture of us playing in the snow.
    "I remember this. You guys had a big fuss because I had never had a snowball fight."
I said.
  Ben eagerly nodded.
He said.
  He then turned the pages more. There were pictures of me hanging out sidestage at their shows, us playing video games, and then there was one Ben stopped at where we were hugging in the middle of the airport. We both had tears running down our faces. Ben sighed.
    "This was the day that me and the boys left for America."
He said, sadly.
  He then turned the page and it was a picture of me at my graduation in my cap and gown. I knew because my mom had the same picture.
    "Your mom sent it to me. We had a big fight right after graduation and you stormed off with your friends and me and the boys didn't see you again."
He said.
  I winced as a sharp pain ran through my head. I always got these right before a flashback. I held my head with my hands.
  *begin flashback*
  Then from behind me there was throats being cleared. I turned and Ben and the boys were standing there. I crossed my arms across my chest and raised my eyebrows.
    "What do you want?"
I asked.
  Ben looked shocked.
    "We promised we would be back for your graduation."
He said.
    "Yeah, you also promised that you would talk to me. You want to know how I had to find out how you guys were? I had to ask your mom, and the guys parents because you didn't bother answer the phone when I called. So don't you dare Benjamin pull the hurt card with me."
I said.
  He looked at me like he was shocked at the words coming out of my mouth. I walked away and went over to my group of friends. Brittney hugged me.
    "We have officially graduated!"
She cheered.
  I laughed.
    "Yeah, now we can go to college and be on our own."
I said.
    "Yeah. How did everything go?"
She asked.
  I sighed and brushed my hair back.
    "Terrible. Inconsiderate jerks."
I said.
  Then my other best friend, Austin, came up behind me and hugged me.
    "Hey you, that was an amazing speech you made up there."
He said.
    "Thanks, I worked forever on it."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "So who was the guy you were going off on over there earlier?"
He asked.
    "Someone that used to be a friend."
I said.
    "What happened?"
He asked.
    "He got a record deal and thought that he was too good to talk to me anymore."
I said.
He said.
    "Yeah. Then he came here today of all days. On my special day, to ruin my day."
I said.
  He gently rubbed my shoulders.
    "Its going to be okay."
He said.
    "Hey, Jacey are you coming to the party tonight?"
Brittney asked.
    "Probably not, my mom will probably want me home tonight."
I said.
Brittney said.
  Then Austin was ripped away from me. I gasped when he was slammed against the chain-link fence. I noticed that it was Ben. Ben hit him in the face.
    "Leave my best friend alone!"
Ben shouted in his face.
  I yanked Ben off of him and hit him in the jaw.
    "What is wrong with you?! You really don't know how to stop do you?! Don't you understand that our friendship is over?! You ruined it Ben!"
I screamed.
  I then ran away from everything. I ran all the way back to my house. I noticed that my knuckles were slightly bruised. I sighed and changed and pulled my hair into a messy bun and took off my makeup. I climbed into bed and cried myself to sleep.
*flashback end*

  I gasped and leaned back against the couch.
    "Are you okay?!"
Ben panicked.
  I jerked away from his hands.
    "How could you break your promise like that?!"
I screamed.
  His mouth open and closed like a fish.
    "Yeah, I remember. So I don't want to talk until you can find a decent accuse to why you couldn't stand up for your friend who had no one for months!"
I screamed.
  I didn't know I was crying until my makeup smeared tears hit my hand. I ran out of their bus and made my way back to the Black Veil Brides tour bus. The boys immediately looked up when I came crashing through the door. Andy immediately rushed over to me and helped me to the couch. I sobbed into his black T-shirt.
    "What happened?"
Andy asked, gently rubbing my back.
    "I had a flashback. I remembered the last time that I saw Ben and the rest of the boys. I remembered the huge fight and I started screaming at Ben and stuff. After that, I just ran out of their bus and came here."
I explained.
    "Did you let him talk?"
Andy asked, softly.
  I shook my head. Andy sighed and rested his head on top of mine.
     "Andy, we need to start getting ready for the show tonight."
Jake said, coming into the room.
  I sniffled and pulled away from Andy. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I wiped my face off and reapplied my light makeup. I grabbed my camera and hung it around my neck while I waited for the guys to get ready like I always did. I picked at the chipped red nail Polish on my fingernails. The boys finally managed to get ready and we walked to the stage. We all helped the stage hands finish up with what was left in the setting up process and waited for show time. The stage manager called show time and everyone rushed to their spots. I started snapping pictures of the boys doing their things like they always did. Once the show was over, we walked back to the bus and I grabbed a pair of my yoga shorts and a tank top and underclothes and went to take a shower. Once I was finished in there, I went into my bunk and immediately fell asleep.

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