Chapter Three

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(Still in flashback)

*one month later*

Today is my eighteenth birthday and my mom threw me a party. Thats right only my mom. She kicked my dad out, he became super abusive to me and she finally saw him hit me and she filed for divorce. I checked my outfit in the mirror again. I was wearing a pair of completely ripped skinny jeans, a Rolling Stones shirt that I had stolen from Ben, a black Beanie that I had gotten from Danny, and a pair of black hightop converse. I walked downstairs and was tackled in a hug by Ben, James, Sam, Cam, and Danny.
    "Happy birthday!"
Ben shouted.
  I laughed.
    "Thanks you Goofball."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "How does it feel to be older than Danny?"
Sam asked.
Danny whined.
  I giggled.
    "Its only like a month until he turns eighteen."
I said.
  He stuck his tongue out at Sam. I laughed and shook my head. My mom then came in.
    "Oh boys, you're here. I thought I heard your voices."
She said.
    "Hey Julie!"
They all chimed.
  She laughed.
    "Hey boys. Jacey, I have a surprise for you."
My mom said.
    "Mom you did-"
  She cut me off.
    "Nonsense yes I did. Its your eighteenth birthday. Besides, I don't think you'll be disappointed."
She said.
  She went to her bedroom down the hall and returned a few minutes later with a wrapped gift. She handed it to me. Danny smirked.
I asked.
  He shook his head.
    "Nothing you dork, just open the present."
He said.
  I sat down on the couch and the boys piled around me and my mom. When I opened it, it was a professional camera with a variety of lenses. I looked at my mom with tears in my eyes. I threw my arms around her.
    "Thank you."
I said.
    "You're welcome baby. Danny helped pick it out because I know nothing about cameras. He can show you how to use it later, the boys have gifts of their own for you."
She said.
  The boys one by one handed me a present. From Danny, I got a couple more lenses for the camera. From James, I got a couple of CDs and an iTunes gift card. From Sam, I got movies and a giftcard to journeys. From Cam, I got some books by my favorite authors and a gift card to hot topic. I finally got to Ben's gifts. I opened the first one and it was a new custom made skateboard. I smiled, he must have noticed how worn down my old one was. I went on to the next, I opened it and it was a guitar pick necklace that read, 'partners in crime.' I smiled and looked at Ben. He pulled out one exactly like mine.
    "I wanted to wait until you put yours on."
He said, flushing slightly.
  I giggled. I picked it up and moved my recently dyed hair to the side. I clipped the necklace on and it fell to rest above my heart. Ben clipped his on. I smiled.
    "Open the next one."
He said.
  I picked up the bag that was placed beside my feet. I took the paper out. Inside was two items. I pulled the first out. It was a black T-shirt that read 'Asking Alexandria Family Forever est. 2008.' I then picked up the next item, it was a goodie exactly like the T-shirt. I smiled and hugged everyone.
    "Thanks you guys. I have to say that this is the best birthday I've had in a while."
I said.
  They all smiled. Then my mom jumped up.
    "The cake!"
She said.
  She raced into the kitchen. She came back a few minutes later with a two layered cake with my name and stuff on top and a bunch of candles and such. They all sang happy birthday to me and I blew out the candles. We went back into the dining room and my mom got out paper plates and plastic forks and a knife. She cut me a piece and then the rest of the boys and then herself. We all ate happily. I gasped when Ben took the extra icing from his plate and wiped it across my nose. I dipping my fingers in mine and spread it across his cheek. He then started tickling me. I squealed and tried to squirm away from him. He chuckled and just followed me as I squirmed. Everybody burst out laughing when I fell from my chair onto the floor. I crossed my arms and glared at Ben. He laughed.
    "I'm sorry Jacey."
He said, pouting out his bottom lip.
  I giggled and tipped his chair over so he fell. He groaned and rolled over to look at me. He rubbed his arm.
    "That hurt."
He whined.
  I giggled.
    "Well, it hurt when you made me fall from my chair too."
I said.
  James helped Ben up as Danny helped me up. We sat back in our chairs. My mom chuckled.
    "You two fight like siblings sometimes."
She said, shaking her head.
  We all laughed. The day progressed and Ben and Danny had gotten their acoustic guitars from their cars and were singing their songs acoustic. Eventually everyone had left but Danny and Ben. At this point, we were just watching the movies that Sam had gotten me. I had my head in Ben's lap and my feet in Danny's and Ben was playing with my hair. I yawned and then sneezed. Ben chuckled.
    "Do you want us to leave love so you can get some rest?"
Danny asked.
    "I'm not trying to run you guys off."
I said.
  He chuckled.
    "I probably need to head home anyways. My parents will probably start calling if I don't come home soon."
Danny said, sliding out from under my feet.
  I sat up and hugged him.
    "Thank you for the camera lenses and stuff and showing me how to work the camera. It means a lot. Oh and thanks for coming today."
I said.
  He smiled.
    "No problem."
He said, grabbing his keys and coke from the floor along with his snap back.
    "I'll see you guys later."
He said.
    "Alright. Don't we have band practice tomorrow at James's?"
Ben asked.
    "Yeah, it's at three."
Danny said.
Ben said.
  Ben sighed and pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at it.
    "Mom just texted me. She wants me at home. I better get over there before she grounds me even though I'm about to be twenty."
He said, chuckling.
  I giggled.
I said.
  I hugged him.
    "Thank you for the necklace Ben. I really like them."
I said.
  He smiled.
    "You're welcome, love. I saw them and thought of you."
He said, grabbing his Beanie and pulling it on.
  I chuckled.
    "Bye Ben."
I said.
    "Bye Jacey."
He said.
  I walked him to the edge of the porch and he hugged me again.
    "I'm so glad your mom finally came to her senses."
He said.
    "I know."
I said, pulling away.
    "Go get some rest love. You look like you could use it."
He said.
  I nodded and walked back inside. I went upstairs to my bedroom. I changed into a black tshirt and leggings. I climbed into bed and clicked my bedside lamp off and quickly feel asleep.

A.N. picture of camera above. I will post necklaces in the next chapter.

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