New York, New York (28)

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It was a week before the doctor let Levi leave, and the rest of the boys. The tour ended up getting cancelled. 

He walked through the door, and looked up at me sheepishly, as I lay in bed. I sat up, and looked at him.

"Hi," I smiled, pushing my hair out of my face. 

"Hello beautiful," he said, lowering himself onto the bed by by. He kissed me roughly.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry," I corrected, "Your tour got cancelled."

"I'd rather be with you."

"But.....this could be bad for you guys," I said.

"No, we'll reschedual," Levi nodded confidently, "We'll do it later."

"Mr.Kandoria might not like that," I scolded him.

"It'll be okay," he said to me.

"There's the rock star!" Angelina called, walking into the room. She opened her arms, and Levi got up to embrace her.

"Sorry you came out for nothing," Levi said apologetically.

"Nothing? We've had fun!" She laughed, "Besides, you're not getting rid of me."


"I'm staying. You need me," Angelina said seriously. 

I smiled. I loved Levi and he was great, but I definitely could use the help. Angelina just grinned at me.

"I don't think I'll have to stay, I can give you privacy, but I'll stop by once a day to help with cleaning and cooking," she said. 

"You're a God send," I chuckled. She curtsied and waved, exiting the room.

Levi rolled onto his side, and kissed me hard. I knotted my fingers through his hair, and breathed him in. It felt like it had been forever since I'd been able to hold him, touch him, be with him at all. I treasured these times; they reminded me of how dear Levi was to me. 

The next morning when I opened my eyes and saw him, I couldn't help but smile. He was here with me, where he was supposed to be. He looked over at me and grinned.

"Good morning gorgeous."

"Hi," I cooed. Levi kissed my nose and got out of bed, stretching.

"What an early bird," I commented.

"Well, if I'm going to even begin to measure up to Angelina I'd better start you off with a good breakfast," he nodded certainly. I giggled, and flipped back the covers on the bed. I was allowed out of bed for bathroom usage and showering. I got up and showered, and put my comfy clothes back on. There was no point in makeup or doing my hair, I wasn't going anywhere, and probably wouldn't see anyone too important, besides Levi.

Levi did bring me breakfast; Slightly runny eggs, a piece of toast with strawberry jam, and a couple pieces of bacon. He carried his own plate and I chowed down.

"How are my ladies this morning?" he asked, placing a hand on my stomach. I chuckled.

"We're good. Lily was kicking me earlier," I commented.

Levi looked amazed. "Can I feel it?"

"Yeah, if she's in a kicking kind of mood. I'll let you know," I promised. He smiled at me brightly, and went back to work on his meal. 

Mom and Molly stopped in that afternoon and brought me some fresh flowers. They didn't compare to the pretty lillies that Levi still got for me once a week, but they were nice nonetheless. Molly sat beside me, and Mom at the foot of the bed.

New York, New YorkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora