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Hey, first of all I don't mean to sound harsh but my story's comments section is not a billboard, I will read your story if you ask me to and I will comment, suggest improvements, whatever... But not if you post it on my story, if you want me to read it just click on my name to the right>>> and post it on my message board or something,

Thanks :) 

Secondly please comment, vote, fan, yada yada... you get the picture :D

Erm, I'm running out of bold and italics options now but if you don't know what I'm talking about for example if you are from Australia and call sweets, lollies (you strange, strange children) yeah so if  what I'm saying doesn't make sense to you, don't hesitate to ask for translations ect. or to Google it... Google is my bestie haha ;) xx and before you ask yes unfortunately my real name is Evangeline Eden... hmmph. Oh and my motivation doesn’t come in boundless amounts I will try and upload a new chapter every week but I can’t promise to :D

Thanks, much love,

-Evie <3 x


"Don't look at me, I didn't do it! You want to be asking that dirty little slag!" I yelled jabbing my finger towards my stepsister. 

"Poppy that's a horrible thing to say, apologise now!" Mum screamed whilst running to Victoria and putting her arm around her to comfort her. "Don't listen to her darling she is just jealous of you," she cooed. My anger levels went thrashing through the ceiling but knowing that shouting didn't get me anywhere but grounded I took in a deep breath and glared at Victoria; holding her eyes in a death stare that could bring down Mammoths. She returned it with a look of smugness, the kind you see when a killer knows that the prosecuters can't prove anything. She smiled sweetly and then looked up to my mum,  plastering an innocent look all over her stupid face, "I just want her to stop bullying me mum, she does it all of the time and I just want to be friends I can't take it anymore, will you be my friend Poppy?" I had to hand it to her, she would win awards for her acting but I didn't have time for her little games so I snorted at her and turned on my heel to stalk away..

Storming into my familiar bedroom I jumped gracefully into the air and landed among an array of fluffy cushions that were sprawled all over my bed. My head was spinning so much with anger that I had started to develop a huge migraine. I dragged myself off my bed and traipsed to the bathroom. I opened the medicine cupboard and inspected the various pill bottles within until my eyes fell on a box of Paracetamol, popping two in my mouth and taking a swig of water I looked in the mirror and ran back to my room, swiftly grabbed my phone and jumped out of my second story window landing softly on the balls of my feet. I didn't need to know who the person was stood behind me in my reflection the only thing I needed to know was that whoever he was, he wasn't looking for a friendly conversation.

Sprinting faster than humanly possible I launched myself down my street leaving no time for the intruder to catch up. I turned abruptly and scanned the road ahead for people, seeing no-one I tucked my phone into a piece of fabric tied round my ankle and jumped forward onto all fours. Within a split second I felt my skin ripple; I was no longer human. Darting forwards it felt so good to be back in wolf form that I almost forgot why I had had to change so abruptly. But I had trained myself well and one of the first rules of running from hunters is to never get distracted. It was less than thirty seconds later when I entered the forest, not that it mattered, at the speed at which I was moving the human eye was incapable of seeing me and if they did, who would believe them Edward Cullen? Yeah... Right. The only thing humans would find is a heap of ripped up clothes in the middle of the road, nothing more. 

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