Possession of the Alpha (In Control)

Start from the beginning

"Oh your face!" She rambles through waves of giggles still overtaking her. I shake my head and lean against the window,I could feel the heat from the sun warming my skin and I longed to be running as my wolf basking in it.

The journey to school went really quick and soon I found myself standing outside the back entrance this time. I waved to mom then walked warily into the building,I hadn't been to this bit of the school before so wasn't actually sure how I was going to find my way to History from here. I knew where history was because I had it yesterday but I just had to work out how to get there from here.......wherever here was.

I walked slowly down the halls noticing that the classrooms here were all things like B3212 where as history was A2434. I was obviously in another section of the school. I walked up the halls smelling for the nearest human to ask,I swear this bit seemed to be overrun with werewolves. My nose twitched a little as I smelt something sweet and very appealing,it wasn't human. I followed the scent suddenly recognising it and desperate to be near it,I ran past several humans on the way but I didn't need them now. The scent was getting stronger and I knew that he was close. My stomach suddenly felt all mushy as I set my eyes on the source of the heavenly smell,he smelt me also and turned suddenly.

Our eyes met and his face lit up just like mine did,I let the smile spread before running straight for him and jumping on him. He lifted me so my legs were wrapped around his waist and I wrapped him in my arms,just holding him quenched the need I felt to be with him and made me feel whole.I pulled back and then leant down so I could feel his lips on mine,he gladly cooperated and pressed his lips against mine. It only lasted about a minutes or so as I suddenly realised we were still in the hallway and people were now staring,I pulled back and jumped down embarrassed. He chuckled at me then wrapped him arm around me,guiding me down the hall. I then remembered I was trying to get to history and decided to ask josh he'd know.

I pulled a face at myself just realising I called him Josh. Did I already feel that comfortable to abbreviate his name? Obviously I did,not that I didn't like the name Joshua I did. It sounded like something an angel would be called,but it was abit of a mouthful.

I looked up at him,to see he was already staring down at me. I giggled a little under the look then asked my question.

"Can you help me get to history? I kind of dont know how to get there from here" I giggle near the end causing him to smile with me. He nodded and began walking me to my class,I liked this feeling I had when I was with him. The feeling of being complete,also being needed.

"After school did you want me to come to yours to help you move you stuff to the pack house?" He pulled me from my thoughts and I suddenly cursed.

"Shit, I haven't actually packed my stuff yet" I bit my lip and looked up to him hoping he wasn't too mad,he was just snickering. My eyebrows ruffled together as I pulled a face in confusion.

"What?" I ask

He licks his lips then rubbed his neck nervously.

"You swore" he snickered again


"I just didn't imagine you ever swearing,you look so........innocent I guess. It just made me laugh" I huffed,I don't want to look innocent. I'm a wolf I shouldn't look innocent,I should look tough and.........rough? He laughed again as he took in my expression,I decided to really test him. Innocent huh? I suddenly noticed an open closet,it was empty so took my chance. I unwrapped his arm from around me,earning a confused look from him. I then bit my lip and took his hand so I could gently lead him towards the closet,his eyes widened as he noticed where we were going. Of course he didn't object.

Possession of the Alpha (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now