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Jocline lived on the outer rims of a small city. Her home appeared to be a tiny and humble cottage, but it hid many secrets. All of them were hers, too. No one knew that the house essentially had two basements, and she was the only one who could access the second one. Her, or anyone else with magic.
But no one close to her had magic. She was essentially always alone, regardless of being surrounded by all sorts of mythical creatures. Most of these creatures she had created as well.
Jocline was a witch, and a dark one. She was powerful, and most other beings in her line of work knew her name. She was a force to be respected, and all who opposed her and came to know her wrath were never seen again. She was a master of curses, hexes, and transformation. So it is said that those closest to her, guarding her were all her opponents over the years turned into mindless thugs.
This is important.
She was incredibly cocky. So, when her brother, a powerful white wizard, came to finally put her down she didn't think she had much to worry about. She had her body guards guarding her tightly that night; a premonition she had received about it plagued her mind.
Her guards looked to all be men cut from the same rough stone. They were all tall and all muscle and claw and also very stupid. They didn't have wills, and Jocline was okay with that. They were but mindless pawns for mindless games. Easily replaceable.
And it seemed she would need to replace them after that night.
Her brother was like a whirlwind as he came in, immobilising two of them easily. A third one, getting over the shock of the attack had managed to land a hit, but the wizard seemed to be prepared for the guards his sister had.
He slipped into each of their minds and quickly disabled them, making them even more mindless than before. They had no will, so they could not fight him as he broke their minds to bits.
"Hi, brother." Jocline said casually from her seat in the back room, sipping red wine. She appeared to be calm, but she was anything but. She had not counted on her brother taking down her Wolves-turned-man body guards so quickly.
She, however, had a back-up plan. One that, if fails, would mean her actual death. Death was something they always joked about as a kid.
Witches and Wizards didn't age past about twenty. There was something in their blood that kept them from growing past that point. And that was something they knew for their entire lives.
Like her brother, she was born a white witch. It was a tragic tale that they tell too all the little witchlings in white witch school.
Don't give into the temptation of dark magic or you well end up like Jocline Falkir. Dark, evil. You will have too eat worms for a living! Gross!
Of course the worm part was a lie, but the little kids who are to be the newest white wizards didn't need to know that.
Jocline, as stated before, had a name for herself. She was the enchantress. The wicked witch. Never cross her, or be turned into a frog! Gross!
"Jocline, I'm sorry but it's time for you move on. You have devastated this world long enough." Her brothers words made her feel no remorse, but the fact that he still had his hair over one eye, and refused to meet her eyes pissed her off to o end. He saw her as lower than himself. She was stronger, even if she was seemingly at a disadvantage.
"Kev, Please," She said angrily. "I haven't hurt -"
"Don't give me your crap, Jos. I have a list of times when you have hurt people."
"But I have not hurt any of our kind." She said, batting her eyelashes.
"You are mistaken because there is not an our. The moment you decided to abandon your studies of white magic in pursuit of selfish dark magic you became a black witch. You are your kind, and I am mine." He raised his hand, magic sparking at his fingertips.
Jocline was calm. She had to be, because she was about to do some of her best acting...
Kevin's magic, a purification spell, raced to her and struck her directly in the chest. While this would usually cause her to be sprawling in pain, it only stug. This was thanks to a few enchantments she had on an amulet tucked deep in her breast. Sure, she would deal with the pain later, but for now she needed control of her exteremedies.
She fell to the ground, gripping her chest, and pretending to roil in pain.
"I'm sorry but this was your destiny. No matter what that prophesy says. 'she will be killed by one of her own creations,' That is a lie because I will end you now!" He said, forming a pure white sword out of magic.
"Please, I.. I can feel the light... I want to change..." She said, tears springing to her eyes. She made them helpless looking, and full of remorse.
Then she let her other 'persona' out.
"I will never change! The evil is so enticing!'"
"Please, Kevin, keep purifying me!"
Jocline had planned this out before time. If she acted like she was fighting herself, she might be able to convince her brother to give her time to prove she is renouncing her wicked ways. This would work because He knew that there is a waiting time on that purification spell.
He seemed taken aback, thinking no redemption for his sister before this moment. He fired off a few more spells, and they hit her causing her to kick and scream and throw her limbs about.
Jocline had studied the effects of a purification spell on a dark witch. She knew she was convincing.
She then fell silent, and opened her eyes, crawling forward and hugging Kevin's shoes.
"Thank you, Thank you..." She cried out softly, tears streaming down her face.
He put out a careful, shaking, hand. It was obvious he didn't truly trust her yet. And who would?
But his hand was all she needed. She wrapped her slender fingers in his, smiling as she did so.
Kevin screamed as he gripped his head with his free hand, trying too pull out of her iron, magic grip.
Her brother, Kevin, the powerful white wizard, fell to the ground, transformed.
In the pile of clothes that he had been wearing, the head of a white dove popped out, it's beady eyes somehow conveying a look of pure hate.
She got up and dusted off her dress, gripping her brother in a tight grip and wincing as he pecked her with his beak.
"Here we go," She hummed as she put him in a cage she had bought specifically for this.
"You know, Kevin. You have left me in a tight spot. I know they will come for you, because of course they will be coming to get their star pupil. And," She said pointing to the dead bodies of her old guards, "You killed all my guards."
She thought for a bit. "I guess they are weak. In the mind at least. That's what you get when you turn wolves into humans." She looked out at them. "I'll have to make something new. Some thing... creative."
She began to dispose of the bodies, her mind alight with new ideas for new creatures.
She needed something new... something exotic.

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