Chapter 5

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Tris POV

I'm finally getting out of this dang hospital. It's been 2 weeks and Matthew is finally letting me leave. I don't feel any pain anymore and my babies are perfectly healthy.

Chris was able to get everyone together, so once I finish with the discharge papers we are going to meet up with them and let the cat out of the bag.

I wish Riah could be here to see and experience this. He was too young to go. Tobias told me he was unplugged 2 days after I was shot. When he told me I cried into his chest for an hour straight.

Flash back

I'm sitting on my hospital bed humming while rubbing my stomach. I'd gotten bigger really quick. I was only 2 months, but I looked about 3 and a half months.

Tobias walked in with a sad face. "What's wrong Tobias?" I asked him.

He let out a sigh. "There's been something I've been meaning to tell you,but I didn't want to make you upset." He said as he sat down next to me.

I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You can tell me anything. I can't promise not to get upset, especially with these dang hormones."

"Tris...Uriah was unplugged 2 days after you were shot."

As those words left his mouth my whole world went crumbling down. One of my best friends, the person that could always put a smile on my face with one of his stupid and crazy remarks, is gone. I can't believe it. Tears started rolling down my cheeks as a sob escaped my mouth. Tobias pulled me to him and just let me cry till I passed out.

Flash back over

Tobias walked in knocking me out of my daze. "You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah. Lets go before Chris comes and drags us to everyone else."

Walking down the hall we hear loud voices. Christina being the loudest. As we get to the door of the room we are meeting them in, Tobias stops me. "What are you doing?" I ask. Soon my vision is blocked off, due to the blindfold he put over my eyes. Walking into the room everyone goes silent. I feel Tobias let go of me, only to be grabbed by another person. Judging by the feel of their hands it's a male.

"Okay Tris, on the count of three you can take off the blindfold." Chris tells me. Everyone starts counting "one...two...THREE!" I whip the blind fold off. As I look at the person who is holding me out in front of them I can't help but to burst into sobs. Standing in front of me was the one and only Uriah Pedrad, my best friend who I thought was dead. "URIAH!?" I scream as I run into his awaiting arms.

"Hey Tris." he said chuckling.

"I thought you were unplugged?" I say into his shoulder.

"I was but I guess it wasn't my time to go." he pulled me back and put a hand on my small baby bump "I guess it wasn't yours either." Im guessing Tobias told him already.

I smiled at him "Yeah I guess not." and I went back to hugging him. "I'm so glade your alive." At that he just chuckled.

After a couple more minutes of hugging Uriah, Tobias pulled me off him, literally. Chris being as impatient as she is just couldn't wait any longer. "Okay, what is it that you needed us all here for?" she asks.

I lean into Tobias's embrace as he wraps

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