Chapter 3

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chapter 3

Tris POV (just before Tobias got to the compound)

Every things dark. I can still hear everything going on around me, but i cant seem to open my eyes or use my voice. I'm completely numb. Mathew has been barking orders for what seems like hours, but in reality it has probably been about twenty minutes.

All of a sudden i hear a set of doors fly open with so much force that they hit the walls. "Tris? Tris! Tris!" Tobias yells. I will my eyes to open, but they don't move an inch. I hear Tobias's distinct foots steps, than him yelling for someone to let go of him. What are they doing to him? He whispers something that i cant hear. That's the last thing i hear from him for what seems like forever.


I start thinking about what my mother said about my kids having powers, powers people will kill for. Also how in the world would she know that they would have powers in the first place, they haven't even been born yet.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when i hear the door to my room open. Someone walks over and garbs my hand. That's when Mathew spoke, "Tobias, when i looked over Tris i found something that i think you should know about." he starts. I know exactly where hes going with this conversation. "Tobias, Tris is pregnant... with twins." he finishes. I
Metaforicly hold my breath, waiting to see what his reaction. After a couple seconds I feel two light kisses in my stomach and than one in my forehead. I take it he's okay with me being pregnant.

Finally I start to feel my body again. I try moving my around and it works! I slowly peel my eyes open. "Tobias?" I chock out. My throat is so dry. It feels like I've been in a desert eating sand for days.

"I'm here baby girl." He says kissing my head again. He walks into the bathroom and comes out with a glass of water. It's as if he read my mind. I greatly take the water. After downing the refreshing water I set the glass down on the table next to my bed.

"So...." I say not knowing what to say. I kind of wanted to bring up the kids but I didn't know how. He just stands there staring at me. I place my hand on my stomach kind out of instinct. I look down at it just thinking about what the future will hold.

I'm brought out of my day dreaming when I feel a hand on top of mine. I look up into the set of forest green orbs I fell in love with when I landed on that net not so long ago.

"You'll make a great mother." He whispered bending down to kiss my head.

"And you will make a great dad." I say pulling his head down to my level and giving him the most passionate kiss I could muster. He responded with just as much passion and emotion.

We break apart breathing heavy. Tobias puts our foreheads together. "Please don't ever do that to me again Tris. I thought....I thought I lost you for good. Then to find out your pregnant..with my kids." He says, his voice cracking. "I could have lost all three of you and I would have even known about it." I felt something drop onto my arm.

I pull us apart and look at him. Tears start spilling from his eyes. I pull him to me and hug him. He clings to me for dear life as a heart renching sob leaves his mouth. I've never seen him like this.

After about ten minutes he regains his composure. I wipe the left over tears from his face. Looking him dead in the eyes I tell him," I will never leave you, WE will never leave you. It was never my intention to go into that lab, but I couldn't just let my brother walk to his death. Even after everything he's done to me I couldn't just wach him go to his death. I still love him even after all the heart ach." I say, neather my gaze or voice faltering.

Hey guys sorry for not updating sooner but with school things have been hectic, plus I've kind of been a little lazy so yeah. Happy early Halloween! I'll update when I can. I would love to hear feed back. It helps me understand what my strengths and weaknesses are and it motivates me to write more when i know I have people who appreciate my work.

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