Mated to my best friend and alpha CH. 1

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Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't stop the small smile appearing on my face. I had on a little black dress that fitted just right, not to short but not to long. just above the knees. It showed off my curves in all the right places. I have long black hair that ended in the middle of my back with blue -green eyes, a small waist even though I eat all the time but being a werewolf, yes I said werewolf. They do exist we have great metabolism and we burn it off.

I am the betas daughter. I'm 17 years old and best friends with the furure alpha; Nathan Anderson. He is protective of me even though I might not be his mate. Mates are our other half's. They complete who we are. Without them its like a part of us is missing. After tonight I might not be his favorite girl anymore. I'll be replaced and forgotten.All those moments we shared will be the last thing on his mind.

Tonight, however Nate is turning 18 and there's a party tonight to celebrate it.

Heading into my bathroom I applied a little bit of eyeliner and did a smokey shade of eye shadow. Heading out of my bathroom I walked over to my closet and slid into my red 5 inch heels making my legs look like they

go on for miles. I now stood at 5"10. I guess 5'5 is average but sometimes I feel like a midget. Before, leaving my bedroom I grabbed his present.

Heading downstairs and felt some of the unmated males eyes on me. I looked around and spotted the alpha and luna. I walked over there.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. They turned to look at me and I was greeted with their smiles.

Mrs. Anderson said "Hey Sweetheart, you know better then to call us Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. make me feel old you know to call me Rebecca and him" pointing to Nathan's dad" Connor."

" Hey how are you doing Chelsea" replied Mr. Anderson. "Looking for Nate?"

"I know but sometimes I cant help it and yeah, do you know where he might be I want to give him his present" waiving the box in my hand to show them.

" He's going to be so happy when he see's what's in there. Last I saw him he was in the kitchen talking to Declan, Drake Logan, Steven and Damon."

" Thanks" I winked at them walking to the kitchen leaving them to their chuckling and amused expressions.

I walked into the kitchen smelling the mosly delicious sent; a mixture of the woods and aftershave. Seeing the guys with drinks in there hands.

"Hey guys" I did hear a few "hey what's up" but I locked eyes with the ?gray eyes I've known for years. Nate's gray eyes.

The next words I hear that come from his lips shock me.

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Check out my other book Changing the Game

Thanks XO

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