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Leo's POV

Reanna has just called me to tell me that she and Danielle are on their way back home I honestly can't wait to see Reanna I have missed her so much and I have missed Danielle too. I couldn't help but notice that when Reanna called she sounded so different I hope nothing bad has gone on while she has been away.

Charlie's POV

So Leo has just ran into my room to tell me that Danielle and Reanna are on their way back I honestly can't wait to see them both but more Danielle. Leo seems so worried and I don't know why " hey what's wrong Leo you seem kinda worried"  " it's Reanna sounded so different when she called I really hope nothing bad has happened to her."  Leo is really worried about Reanna I just don't know what to do to make him feel better.

Reanna's POV

We are finally home and as I get out of the taxi and open the door Leo comes running out and jumps on top of me causing us to fall on the floor. I have honestly missed Leo but I feel like something has changed in me like I don't feel the same, I don't feel like me before I went to Liverpool.

Danielle's POV

Since we have came back from Liverpool all Reanna and Leo have done is argue, Reanna is hardly in anymore and when she is she is either drunk or off her face, I honestly don't know what's gotten into her.

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