Utterly stupid

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"Can you get the wine glasses out?" I ask Zack. He nods. "So I didn't know you cooked?" He says, sitting down the wine glasses on the table. "I like cooking. I mean I'm not the best but I can cook." He nods, walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, he slowly started kissing the back of my neck.

I bite my lip, slightly giggling. "I'm trying to cook Zack.." I whisper. "Maybe take a break?" He asks. I laugh before turning around towards him. "My friends should be here any minute.." I whisper. "Hmm really?" He leans in, his lips almost on mine.
I just lean in and kiss him. His lips were soft like always. His hands were around my waist and mine around his neck.

Suddenly the sound of throat clearing interrupted us. I quickly pull away and turn around to the one and only Adam. Of course! Why the hell couldn't it be like anyone else!! Ugh!

"Uh hey.." I was a hundred percent sure that I was as red as a tomato. "Sorry to umm interrupt, I tried knocking but no body answered." He shrugs. "Oh, sorry we must've not heard." I apologize. So this was literally my fault. "Where's Nicole?" Zack asks, thankfully changing the subject for me. "Oh she should be on her way." I nod.

"Well sit down I'll get you some wine." Zack says. "Thanks." Adam takes a seat on one of the barstools. "So how's work?" I ask, trying to break the silence between me and him. "It's good. I've been busy." I nod, unsure what to say. "Okay here's the wine." Zack pops open the wine and pours all three of us a glass.

"Didn't start the party without me, did ya?" Katie asks walking in with Cole. "Of course not." I shake my head. "Hey Adam! Long time no see!" Katie takes Adam in a hug. "Ya how have you guys been?" He asks them. "We've been good, and you?" She asks. "Same." She smiles at him before turning to me. "Are you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?" She asks.

"Oh crap! Ya!" I turn towards Zack. "Zack this is Katie and Cole, Katie, Cole, this is Zack." I introduce them. They all shake hands. "Why don't you take them to the living room were the appetizers are?" I ask Zack. "Sure."

He takes Cole and Adam towards the living room, leaving me alone with Katie. She takes a seat on the barstool Adam had sat on. "So does it feel awkward?" She asks. "Are you kidding? Don't you feel the tension?" I ask making her laugh.

"It's even more awkward now. Adam just walked in on me and Zack making out.." I whisper. "What? Wow that's crazy!" She shakes her head. "Zacks pretty cute." She says.

"Ya he is." I nod. "So how does it feel dating again?" She asks. "I can't even remember the last time I dated.." I run a hand through my hair. "That's because you've been so hung over on Adam." She points out. "Luckily he's now engaged so you don't have to keep getting led on by him."

I thought about it. Adam did lead me on all these years. I wasn't sure if it was on purpose but he still led me on. I didn't want to admit it to Katie but I think he was still leading me on. Saying what he said on the roof and than just throwing it aside and pretending like he never said it. I feel like I was still in his grasp, waiting for him to be with me.

All in all I felt really fucking pathetic. I mean I'm with a really great guy and yet all I can think about is a man who's engaged. Was that completely wrong? Was I utterly stupid to ever think that he would ever really want me?

Well as I ask myself these questions I'm starting to think that I just really need to stop thinking about this shit!

In love with my best friendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora