The signs as super powers

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Aries: Super strength, fire manipulation

Taurus: Impenetrability/invulnerability,time travel

Gemini: Telepathy/mind reading (communicating through amd hearing thoughts), telekinesis (controlling objects with the mind)

Cancer: Empathic perception/manipulation (sensing and controlling feelings), healing (both self and others)

Leo: Flying, Midas touch

Virgo: Mind control (mental aspect, not physical, which would be telekinesis), electricity manipulation

Libra: Shape shifting/transformation, mimicry

Scorpio: Poisonous touch/kiss, necromancy

Sagittarius: Lie detection, teleportation

Capricorn: Super speed, ice manipulation

Aquarius: Water manipulation, invisibility

Pisces: Regeneration, clairvoyance

Jessica out!♓

P.s this isn't supposed to offend anyone

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