Chapter One: 16 Years ago

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Everybody knows the story of how Hades tried to take over Mount Olympus, and blah blah blah. Yeah I know the story too, but what people don't know is that Hades turned good for a Goddess; her name is Persephone. Legend say that they fell in love and they had a child, and that child is me; Hesper, the daughter of Hades and Persephone.I just want to tell you guys that my father isn't horrible like he was before, he changed ever since he met my mother. He always tells me how they met and how they fell in love, and how they want to start a family. First let me start on how the met on that fateful night, not to long ago.

16 years ago...

*Hades P.O.V*

Man this sucks! I hate being the God of Death! Yeah I tried to take over the world and what not, but everybody makes mistake. Sigh, I'm going to the mortal world to my thinking place; I need time to myself, and think. "Pain! Panic!" I yelled for my henchmen.

"Coming your most lugubriousness." Pain replied. He starts to run down the stairs and starts to trip over his tail, and starts to tumble down the stairs. He ends up poking his butt with a spiked candle handle. Followed by Panic who happens do the same thing, except his horns ends up stabbing Pain in the butt. Sigh I have idiots for henchmen.



"Reporting for duty." They said in an unsion.

I rub my temples between my eyes, and gave them an ordered. "I'm leaving for a couple of hours. Try not to destroy the place while I'm gone..... Understood!"

"Of course sir but-" Pain starts, "-where are you going?" Panic finished. I swear to the souls, they spend too much time together.

I glare at them with my famous death glare, with my blue "hair" goes up a little. "That is not your concerned." I growled. I hear both of them gulp in fear, knowing not to question me on where I am going. They both nodded their head, understanding the situation. I went to the boat that can get me across the river of lost souls, to the mortal world. Finally when the boat reached my destination, I paid the boatman and stepped off the boat.

I sat down near a cherry blossom tree on a hill near a river, reflecting off of the bright full moon and star, and I look up at the night sky. I do admit I love the nights, they're calming and peaceful; I can finally relax and think. My eyes start to close my eyes, and start to drift to sleep. After a few moments I opened my eyes and start to hear a soft sound.... It sounds like.... Singing.

It sounded like it's coming from behind the tree I was laying on, I turned around and saw the most beautiful creature I ever laid eyes one. She has long light gold hair and wearing a crown of flowers; with light hazel eyes; and wearing a gold dress covered in flowers. For the first time in my life I was speechless, I have this warm-fuzzy feeling in my heart.

*Persephone Singing*

I came to you in my darkest hour

We used to know each other well

My last journey led to you

You're the only one I trust

In my eyes you'll read the saddest story

I lost all aims in life

And paid my price with loneliness

I'm tired of fighting my desires

I forgot all songs I used to sing

I only remember the pain they caused

Each note seemed to tear my mind apart

Take the agony away

In your hands I lay my tortured soul

In your hands I lay my voice

Please, hear my final request:

Save the last song!

For too long you weren't beside me

For too long you couldn't lead me

I'm losing my stability

And sometimes I'm losing my mind

I reach out my hands in the dark

But no-one seems to see me

I scream into the dead of night

*Hades P.O.V*

The song is so beautiful and yet said. I start to feel wet particles start to fall my eyes. I wonder I feel this urge to come to her, and.... and.... and hug her. Why am I feeling this lust for her, why do I feel like I need to be by her side. I slowly back away, to get away; but I end up stepping on a twig, and of course with my luck the twig snapped in half.... Oh perfect, she turned around and saw me; oh for the love of The Fates why me!?

"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude, I was just leaving." I stuttered a little. Great now I sound like Panic, I need to stop being around them so much.

To my surprise the woman smiled; a woman actually smiling at me! "It's alright I don't mind, I would like some company." She giggled.

"I doubt you want me my company." I said sadly, looking down at my feet.

"Why you say that?" She asked curiously.

I look back up and looked at her and answer, "because I'm Hades. The God of Death."

She blinked a couple of times and replied, "Okay.... I already know that. Still don't see how that has to do with anything."

I looked at her with my eyes wide as saucers, she knows who I am; and yet she want still wants my company.... What is wrong with this girl? "Who know I am and yet you still want me to be your company?" I asked.

"Yes, I still would love it if you joined me." She smiled.

I don't know what got over me, but I start to walk towards her and sat next to her.

"I'm sorry I never catch your name." I said politaly.

"Oh how rude of me. I'm Persephone, daughter of Demeter." She answered with another bright smile.

"Persephone.... What a beautiful name." I compliment.

Persephone blushed a little, holy blue flames she is so cute. "Well thank you Hades."

We just start to talk, and talk. It felt peaceful to be with Persephone, I told her my stuff and my thoughts; in return I heard hers. She talks about how her mother is so overly protective, and how she only feels at peace is here. Persephone told me that she wants to fall in love, but her mother won't allow it. I hate to see her so sad, I wish I could make her feel better. When the dawn starts to rise up from the mountains, we both say our goodbyes.

"Hades." Persephone grabs my arm.

"Yes?" I ask her.

"Promise we will meet again tonight." She she begged with her puppy eyes.

I smile at her, and caress her cheek, "I promise we will meet again tonight, same time, same place."

Persephone smiled once more in an agreement, we both say goodbye to each other and we went our separate ways. I can't wait to see her tonight, underneath the Cherry Blossom tree.

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