Chapter Three: Hesper was Born

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Sorry that this a little short and it took me awhile to write this.


Nine Months Later

*Hade's POV*

I wait patiently outside of our bedroom, all I can her is my beautiful Persephone screaming in pain. I wish I was there with her, but my mother in law Demeter "insisted"(more like ordered me) I should wait outside. As I continue to wait, the more anxious I get; what if I am a bad father? What if I don't love my own child, like my father didn't love me and my siblings? All these questions start to flow through my head like flames dancing on candle.

All this waiting is not helping my nerves, and doesn't help that Pain and Panic are in there helping Demeter with childbirth. I mean seriously, she doesn't trust me in there but she trusts Pain and Panic with her only daughter.... The world is coming to an end, and I actually didn't cause it this time. Finally after hearing the screaming ending and the door creaking, I see Demeter with a smile on her face.

"You can come in now, come and meet your daughter Hades." Demeter said softly. I got up from my stone bench, and saw my beloved wife laying in our king size bed and drench in sweat. Even though it looked like she just finished a 100K marathon, she still looked amazing. I see here holding a small child, my child.

She turned her head towards me and gave me a weak but meaningful smile and weakly said "come here darling meet our daughter."

I gently laid next to her and Persephone carefully handed out child towards me so I can hold her. Oh my Medusa, she is so beautiful. She has blue flaming hair, but her skin is a tan like her mother's; she starts to open her eyes, she has the same eyes as me!!! I never felt this happy before, I start to feel tears running down my eyes. I don't even care if my henchmen see me like this, seeing my daughter is my Mount Olympus; she is my world. How could I ever think that I wouldn't love her? I love her right now, she is mine and Persephone daughter.

I turn my head to Persephone and gave her a huge smile and sobbed, "she is so beautiful my love, you did an amazing job." Persephone smiled back and rested her head on my shoulder, " thank you dear. What should we name her?" She asked softly.

I start to think for awhile and thought of a perfect name for her, "Hesper, we should name Hesper."

I see Persephone light up like the sun, "I love it. Let's name her Hesper."

I never thought this would ever happen to me; I've never thought that I would get married and have a child. For the longest time I never thought I would have someone to love and to start a family. I thought nothing could ruin this. I thought that me, Persephone, and Hesper would live together happily here; but of course I was wrong....

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